Piggy banked

By Rain - 14/11/2016 11:43

Today, I discovered my own mother has been stealing money from me for months when I opened my savings box to find it empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 974
You deserved it 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

First I'd confront her and if she doesn't agree to refund you you might have to try to take legal action depending on your age and how much she has stolen. I say age because if you're a kid there's sadly not much the courts can or will probably do.


I was thinking it was a safety deposit box?

It's not that easy to open a bank account for some people. I had over two hundred dollars cash on hand and tried to open one when I turned 18, there still wasn't a single bank that would open a checking OR savings account for me because I either didn't have a steady source of income or enough of a credit record. If OP is under 18, they have to have parental permission and her mom would be on the account as a manager. So either the mom wouldn't allow her to open one to keep OP's money where she can steal it without record, or would just take the money from the account and it would be "legal" because she's on the account.

Then is must be different in Canada, you can walk in with ID no money in hand no proof of income and open a bank account starting at 16.

It is different in the USA, or at least in Florida. I tried several different banks, and tried to open an account again earlier this year. Still no dice. Most banks want you to have either steady income or a good credit score here, because it makes it more likely you'll take out a loan. Otherwise, they lose money on your account because they have to pay you interest.

mermaidkeels 26

#20, I live in Florida too and had no problem opening a bank account. When I was 18 I was approved for a credit card without any credit history. It was a "college card". I personally have Wells Fargo and Chase but I do have a couple of friends that have Bank of America (I prefer Chase, Quickpay is a life saver). Try opening a college account, or a checking account. Hope this helped!

awildwhisper 30

First I'd confront her and if she doesn't agree to refund you you might have to try to take legal action depending on your age and how much she has stolen. I say age because if you're a kid there's sadly not much the courts can or will probably do.

Equixz0r 3

Not much any court could do at any age. I don't think there will be evidence of anything. OP's mom could say she's lying and that is just a random box, OP could say there was $14,000 in it. There really isn't a legal option to take.

She's just be collecting on the secret rent you didn't know you owed.

It must suck when your parent is a meth head.

That is truly horrible. I hope you know how much she stole--you need to put her on a repayment plan to make you whole.

If she's put on a repayment plan, make sure it's in writing that she acknowledges she stole from you, and that she owes repayment in cash. That way she can't renege.

Sue her, I know it's harsh, but you deserve your money back since that doesn't make sense why she steals it but doesn't give a reason to why she needs it.

Max her credit card and then act confused when she finds it empty

If OP is talking about a safety deposit box then they may not be able to take legal action since you are not supposed to keep money in those. They would have had to sign a contract stating that.

Go steal it back from her, then take extra for her not giving it back as debt.