Simple answer

By pathetic - 29/05/2009 02:35 - Canada

Today, while getting ready for work, I realized that all my pants were getting a bit tight. When I got home from work, I went in to the bathroom and stood on the scale, which confirmed that I have gained a few pounds. I then realized that I was eating while standing on the scale. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 073
You deserved it 59 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you not notice you were eating something? Seriously. There is something wrong with this.

How is that a bad thing? I'm sure you weren't eating a whole pizza on the scale.


How did you not notice you were eating something? Seriously. There is something wrong with this.

some people eat absent mindedly. believe it or not

DropThatBeat 0

This is the most stupid fml ever. Who cares?

How is that a bad thing? I'm sure you weren't eating a whole pizza on the scale.

I am so sick of people saying "How is this FML?" etc. It's as if nothing should be posted unless it involves death or terminal illness.

FML doesn't only just for death and illnesses, it can be anything if you think you life is **** up.

how is this an fml? it can be easily corrected by sitting by the toilet and jabbing at your gag reflex for a few minutes. hurts like a bitch, id just suggest you dont eat as much and exercise. but yeah. its not even ydi. its food. not the apocalypse. chillax. and #5 was he not the one that chose to put the food in his mouth and step on that scale? everyone gains a few pounds. unless hes got a severe ED its hardly that much of a big deal to him that he feels like his life is going to shit.

um #10, BULIMIC MUCH? go to the doctor get some help making yourself sick is not an answer to weight gain....