By skiergal98 - 18/08/2019 02:00

Today, I found out why I haven't been getting my bank statements for the past couple of months. My parents have been hiding them from me, because they've been stealing from it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 223
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean, you could always just look your statements up online? Pick E-Statements? Edit: And obviously your parents are absolute *****. I'm sorry. Check statements online monthly for review. Bank, debit, credit.

ViviMage 38

Well, you go to the bank to open a fraud case, close down your account if your parents are jointly on it, and reopen it with just you listed. And call the police with records. You can have them printed online or at the bank with a teller.


I mean, you could always just look your statements up online? Pick E-Statements? Edit: And obviously your parents are absolute *****. I'm sorry. Check statements online monthly for review. Bank, debit, credit.

ViviMage 38

Well, you go to the bank to open a fraud case, close down your account if your parents are jointly on it, and reopen it with just you listed. And call the police with records. You can have them printed online or at the bank with a teller.

julfunky 29

If it’s a joint account how could they open a fraud case?

Welll your parents taught you a lesson in keeping an eye on your finances . You need to sit down and ask them why they took the money and why they couldnt talk to you about it, because you would find out in the end any way.

It's not every day you see someone who has three assholes.

IDK if my parents steal from it, but I'm not allowed access to my account, even though I havea job

if you're a legal adult and your parents are not letting you access your own bank account that is filled with your own money that you earn at your own job, it is almost a guarantee that they are stealing every penny you put in there.