By Anonymous - 30/01/2012 06:36 - Australia

Today, I picked up my driver's licence and my keys off the floor at the same time, using only my toes. This was the highlight of my day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 6 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

griffins33 4

That would totally be the highlight of my day


A100893 30

Better than a lot of things. If you ever break both hands you will appreciate this skill.

As woody Allen said: "Enjoy the little things." - Zombieland.

kaylamahoney90 12

Toes are great for picking up things when you don't want to bend over.

peachesncreem 21

Is this what they do for fun in Tasmania?

shanemaximo 7

I picked my toes up off the floor using only my keys and my drivers license.

um well it is i would say, yes, yes it is...

griffins33 4

That would totally be the highlight of my day

In snowboarding a toe grab is quite the accomplishment.

sonrisapreciosa 6
linkinpark98 23

Reading this FML is the highlight of my day

littletinyME 5

The highlight of my day wasn't even near this awesome...

True. But having the proper emphasis and wand flourish are critical.

Potterhead1- you made my day :) thank you!

leogirl95 12

With so many Potter fans, I'm surprised that no one commented that it's "Wingardium leviosa." You have to be careful with pronunciation! You don't want to end up like Seamus Finnigan!

40 how is muffliato relevant it makes a buzzing noise in peoples ears...

leogirl95 12

114, I almost did, but then I thought about how many thumbs down that one would receive...

Actually pretty cool mine was drawing hello kitty with brand new markers -_-

Redoxx_fml 22

Need a moment? Chew it over with a Twix!

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

That's kinky huh? *picks up keys and license with toes* ..... Doesn't feel kinky... Lair!

Everytime firsttigerhobbes post's, I down thumb. He just isn't funny. And probably never will be, just like this kid that says kinky all the time.. Smmfh... *shake my mother ****** head*

tanneriscool, so our rivalry begins general douche-bag

808Boyo 4

That's gotta be the lamest insult I've ever heard.

surfnshred 2

Wow your life must really suck

Nope. He got published to the site because his life is great =)

It could be worse, you could have a somewhat intimate relationship with your cat?

kittenvks 11

Make tomorrow a better day, attempt larger and multiple items.

iAmScrubs 19

You might as well take it to the next step and drive the car with them.