By Anonymous - 10/02/2011 23:32 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 04:53 - United States
By Nat3_2020 - 27/01/2015 14:02 - United States
By Noguestlist - 02/03/2011 08:16
By mhm - 06/05/2012 02:21 - Canada - Woodbridge
By john - 28/01/2009 23:02 - United States
By Stinky and Single - 06/08/2015 23:14 - United States
By oops - 04/03/2016 21:28 - United States - Mankato
By Anonymous - 10/11/2019 01:00 - Germany - Berlin
By Chris - 22/10/2009 04:57 - Canada
By u.p.i.c. - 02/08/2019 22:00 - United States - Los Angeles
Top comments
Yeah, and did you tear up?
how could you tell that that's what she was doing?
Onions make me flatulent.
39- Welcome to math class She was probably sniffing the air Sniffing+Gross Smell=Fart Smelling Yes, could be wrong, but obviously he was there and we were not
**** tht chick anyways. right up her tight wet ******
Btw, pretty sure beaver would ask you to smell your own fart. He caused a girl to kill herself by making fun of her and many people joined in.
ditto ^_^
Obviously a fake. Everyone knows that Girls Do Not Fart!
My kind of chick
that's my mom
California gurls they're unforgettable extremely hot but smell their own farts.....
She sounds awesome. Go for 'er, OP.
how can pretty girls be so disgusting? im pretty(not being conceited) but i wouldnt turn around and sniff my own fart!! blehh!! gross.
um most girls don't do that....
Calm down, everythings gonna be okay.
ooooh, she mad.
he would only ask for you to listen to him make some music, to which you'd gladly say yes. then he'd blow a cheek flapper.
Christ on a kayak, would you all care to stop whining like a flock of teenage girls, and let the REAL users enjoy the site?
virvachiyahyah bitch.wanna swear at me in some ******* she can speak another language.and coooolll hunny because im pretty sure i cant hook up my ipad to my computer.SO YOU SOUND STUPID RIGHT NOW!!!!!GET A LIFE AND STOP BEING IMMATURE AND STOP COMMENTING ON MY COMMENT IF YOU DONT CARE WHAT I HAVE TO SAY BITCH!!!!
oh i could swear at you in english too :) dont hate cz i can speak more than dont need your fckn ipad to put up a freakn picture!!goshhh..i must admit your pretty stupid:]]ohh well,&the only immature one here is yourself for thinking your all that & talking shit to others behind your little computer(oh i mean ipaaadd).nigga pleeaaseee..
mandy est un homme. call em lyk I see em. u troll.
Mandy is dumb, though. Actually, at the risk of making myself look like a hypocrite, you're all dumb for participating in this thread. Sirin said to stop. If you don't, she will ass-ram you with a ******* spiked baseball bat.
Well, I asked nicely. Sort of.
I made an account just to say that #35, amsftw, is really pretty. I'm not a perv' or anything, but I just really don't like comment #45, and I can't believe nobody has said anything about it yet. I'm not trying to jump into this whole argument, but, amsftw, you're really pretty, and don't listen to 11-year-old fangirls like #45.
every1luvsboners... I care about you.....
everyone needs to stop and im not getting all fed up, i have been laughing threw this entire thing... that bitch calling me nigga first of all hunnnnn im not black and i am putting people down to make myself feel better? um no hunny this isnt making me feel any better and im not doing it for my pleasure, i am doing this because i stick up for my self. im pretty sure not one of you ******* know me. so stop hating and stop judging...stop bring bitches and fighting...all of you commented on my comment and you blame me for sticking up for myself? im pretty sure almost everyone would do the same,so dont tell me im immature.
wow 6 moderated comments in a row! a new record!!!!!
wow I can't believe this thread has 27 replies and the fml is still "fresh" really people get over yourselves, everybody farts. it's a natural thing, it's not like it's the end of the world. btw like 8 people in a row have their comments moderated, how'd that happen? lmao.
every1lovesboners always has the best comment.. the semen flavored bieber-farts almost made me tear up from it's funniness.
ladies, ladies please contain your orgasms please
ladies, ladies, contain your orgasms please
ladies, ladies, contain your orgasms please
ladies, ladies, contain your orgasms please
Sirin, I went on your profile to see if there was a "send message" button to ask a question, but there was not. Is there a way to send messages to other users? (I just wanted to let you know, that to close out of your profile, I clicked the 'x' with my nipple)
You need to use the website version for private messaging. Incidentally, I clicked the reply button with my eyeballs.
The best part was the fact that mandy's comment 55 immediately followed boner's 54. I lol'd. Trolls are funny, especially ones that are so ostentatious...damn, I fed it, too.
well then how did you get the picture of the tard for your pic? I'm not saying that you TOOK the picture.. but did you save it? I'm sure your have a profile on FB that you can save a picture from... just saying.. cause when I see that tards pic I automatically assume it's a 12yr old girl's account..... maybe 10yrs old.
Some like Justin Biever~~~
you do know that you can just import some to your iPad from your computer, right?
you have to be comfortable with yourself to laugh at farts... otherwise you ain't gonna enjoy your man... who cares it's JUST a fart! my boyfriend and I fart on each other as a joke! Jeezus lighten up!
Why can't I thumb up moderator comments?

Don't you like onions?
I guess she made a "pass" at you.