By thats what my ipod is for - 26/04/2013 17:34 - United States

Today, I overheard my grandpa telling my mom he'd found a load of porn in my laptop's browser history, but that he deleted all the "filth" so she wouldn't have to see it. She believed him and I got grounded, much to his amusement. I've never looked up porn on that computer in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 481
You deserved it 3 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

le_miserable 5

Troll grandpa strikes again *troll face*

lexxiii 17

You said "on THAT computer." So you ARE guilty of watching ****.


le_miserable 5

Troll grandpa strikes again *troll face*

Let the grandpa show how he deleted the history again in front of everybody, I'm not really buying that he knows how...

Op's mom is ******* stupid. Her generation must be full of stupid people since Walmart seems to carry them as well.

br00kr 22

Did you notice how he said "on THAT computer" :/

Octwo 16

It's a sad day when you get punished for watching ****. Bunch of prudes.

Thus why you watch **** with your OP. (;

Dummy his grandpa watched **** that's why he's complaining about it

I'm not a fan of **** but I don't even think someone should be scolded at by their mother, just embarrassed. Lol

Octwo 16

23, he was punished for watching ****, regardless of whether he did or not. Understand the comment before attempting to tell someone they're wrong.

Posted in wrong thread. Move along now....

Zyzz7 12

Thats pretty pathetic she punished him for watching ****.. when are some parents gonna grow up

that's a funny grandpa. he knows how to joke around.

Looks like gramps is trying to cover his tracks .

Obviously it wasn't you. You're not technologically challenged - you would have deleted your history or gone incognito!

Ctrl+Shift+Delete, last 2 hours... Good bye evidence.

2 hours is a decent session, I usually only need 10 minutes :)

"Son, I know you've been on your laptop got hours, please explain this 2 hr gap in the browser history..." "I was watching **** mom." "Oh, anything good?" "Sure, wanna see?" Awkward moments ahead showing mom where to get good ****.... Lol

Your grandpa probably used your computer to look up ****, then got scared when he realized he didn't know how computers fully work, so blamed you in the event that it comes up somehow.

This is most likely the case. Whenever my grandpa uses my computer, he not only litters my browser history with **** but also my hard disk. I don't think he even realizes that I can see all the dirty things he saw before...

tjv3 10
lexxiii 17

You said "on THAT computer." So you ARE guilty of watching ****.

I can speak for the whole male population +12 to say that we all are one is safe.


hey your making all males looks bad! we don't all watch **** most do but not all! I have a really creative imagination I don't need to look up **** to have a nice time!

@30 My friend says that too. My retort is "I could do the same, but I just want to finish fast. Viola, a machine full of people who get paid to make sex look good!"

timss4 19

Saying GUILTY implies it's a bad thing lol

I assume you mean Voila! and not viola. Though with all the weird fetishes out there, I'm sure there are people who get off on stringed instruments.

Op doesn't use a computer for ****.. His user name says his iPod is for that.

Wiag 8

that's what I was going to say! lol

Getting grounded for watching ****? That is just stupid, **** in a part of growing up, it is a curiosity that needs to be filled. Not allowing that only creates repressed perverts that need to find other ways to feed the curiosity not all of which will be as innocent as watching ****.

Remembering this so I can tell it to myself later.

Umm, not quite. You do realize that internet **** (let alone widespread, easy access to **** of any kind) is a relatively recent development, right?

#74 Skin-a-max has been around for over 30 years, even before the Internet. You used to just stay up to 12 to get ****. Although soft core which was good enough for a young teenager.

if its part of growing up why do you need to be 18 to buy it?

How could she believe that? He just deleted the only evidence before showing her. FYL, OP.…

He definitely just wants it all to himself!