By thats what my ipod is for - 26/04/2013 17:34 - United States

Today, I overheard my grandpa telling my mom he'd found a load of porn in my laptop's browser history, but that he deleted all the "filth" so she wouldn't have to see it. She believed him and I got grounded, much to his amusement. I've never looked up porn on that computer in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 476
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

le_miserable 5

Troll grandpa strikes again *troll face*

lexxiii 17

You said "on THAT computer." So you ARE guilty of watching ****.


ravenevercross 19

Well, you already got in trouble for it, might as well make it true.

puddles007 8
toalysium 15

YDI. Not for troll grandpa, but for lying to us about looking up ****.

nickbg 2

Never looked at **** on THAT computer ;)

Haha, on "that" computer. Nice job man.

Lol notice how he says on THAT computer

gmc_blossom 21

You must have a great eye for detail since you noticed that. You must be great at those "I-Spy" games.