By thats what my ipod is for - 26/04/2013 17:34 - United States

Today, I overheard my grandpa telling my mom he'd found a load of porn in my laptop's browser history, but that he deleted all the "filth" so she wouldn't have to see it. She believed him and I got grounded, much to his amusement. I've never looked up porn on that computer in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 476
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

le_miserable 5

Troll grandpa strikes again *troll face*

lexxiii 17

You said "on THAT computer." So you ARE guilty of watching ****.


But just that computer, not the family computer right =P

SumBur 11

Emphasis on the 'on this computer.'

c4rpi0 20

So you have just not on that computer?

Your username makes this post so much better!

That was a dick move on Grandpa's part, but at least you get to enjoy your iPod while grounded ;

oh my god! Are you psychic or something? try focusing your powers, now quick, who will win the next superbowl? Will Archie marry Betty or Veronica? Where is the body of jimmy Hoffa? What day will I die? Wait, don't answer that last one.

songtrees 8

ha.... not on THAT computer.