By Hungryman - 15/01/2010 21:30 - France

Today, I ordered a Diet Coke with my meal from a fast food restaurant. Turns out, they didn't give me diet. My blood sugar spiked and I was sick for hours later. I'm a diabetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 391
You deserved it 8 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cerebellum_fml 0

Dude don't or try not to drink pop when you are diabetic. I know that I have not had soda in 3 months. It feels good when you drink it but afterwards it is worse.

lalatrisha1 0

The food alone from a fast food restaurant will spike your BS!! Duh!!! Carbs out the ass= high BS!!

Uhh don't eat that many carbs then? I love how everyone assumes fast food only sells 1 thing and 1 thing only.

Rofl, typical (I assume) Americans in the comments first thing that comes into their heads is to sue! FFS, I hate it how this suing culture is making it's way into the UK as well, ffs it's just a part of life, and sometimes life is shit. Deal with it.

dspadres 0

Hmm you would think that someone who's adjusted to the taste of diet drinks would instantly realize they were drinking something non-diet. Shenanigans.

lalatrisha1 0

I agree with you. I am an American but I do believe that lawsuits are out of control! Do you know that if someone is breaking into your house and they get hurt in the process, they can sue you (the homeowner)?!! People are nuts!

It depends a lot on the state. States with more liberal laws are more likely to allow the trespasser to sue you for having an unsafe home. More conservative laws however, tend to emphasize a 'dirty-hands' doctrine, placing blame on the criminal for he was there with illicit intentions.

It's called the castle law in most states, only a couple of states have the "right to retreat" law or whatever which means if someone breaks in, you have to run away from them (and leave your home if need be). But "castle law" lets you hurt an intruder who comes into your home to hurt or burgle (is that a word? lol, sounds funny) you. it's very interesting, those laws.

LOL! You misquote the law terribly. I am sorry, but really please don't speak unless you REALLY know what you are talking about. First off, I would agree that litigation is out of control in our country. Secondly in response to the the whole "castle doctrine" that is completely off. The castle doctrine relates to using DEADLY force (i.e. killing someone) when defending yourself. In most jurisdictions you are allowed to use deadly force when defending yourself REGARDLESS. However, in states that follow the "castle doctrine" you are only allowed to deadly force if you are in your home and someone breaks in. Otherwise, if you are on the street you are required to attempt to retreat BEFORE using deadly force. Lastly, some states (minority) that follow the "castle doctrine" do NOT allow you to use deadly force against anyone you live with. That is what the "castle doctrine" is all about. Yet, it is cute the way you pretend to know the law. *note* I am in law school and just read about this thus that is why this is a long, passionate comment otherwise I would not give a ****.

bildoze 0

what the **** are you doing eating fast food and diet sodas if you're a diabetic? did you get your diabetes from your past eating habits? even if you didn't you still should know better than to eat that unhealthy crap in your totally deserve this

Diabetes is first and foremost a genetic condition. The OP didn't necessarily develop it from his past eating habits. I developed it when I was 14 because it runs in my family, not because I ate unhealthily. Also, having diabetes shouldn't affect your lifestyle. If the OP wants to eat fast food he can, and it is the responsibility of the restaurant he eats at to make sure it fills his order with the stuff he orders!

catastrophicsock 0

Are you retarded? My boyfriend is diabetic, type 1, and has been since he was 6. Technically, they can eat whatever the hell they want, they just have to use enough insulin. Dumbass

I got diabetes when I was 2 type 1 and it's not his fault they got the order wrong

E_less 0

YDI. Having been diabetic for 18 years (about 3/4ths my life), I can easily taste the difference between Diet and non-Diet drinks. If your sugars are well controlled you should be able to taste the difference in something sweet or not sweet. If you're not controlled, I'd suspect you wouldn't notice a difference between the two since you normally eat *sweet stuff* or are accustomed to the taste of sugar. I've, on numerous occasions, been served regular sodas but have immediately been able to tell with the first sip. If I suspect it isn't Diet, I'll ask my husband to taste it (if he's around). If I can't get a second opinion, I demand they replace it. Or, I just don't drink it. Simple as that. Ultimately, you should be responsible for your own health and welfare despite the inadequacies of others. Take this as a lesson to taste test it before you drive off from the drive through window or guzzle down the entire drink while dining in.

If you don't take care of yourself, I wouldn't leave it up to a fast food place to do it for you. Most regular drinkers can tell the difference between diet and regular drinks. Any reason you didn't? Most places that fill your drink up for you (provided you're not at a drive thru) do it directly in front of you as well. Overall, I think YDI. It's as if you're trying to die.

perdix 29

You should have gone back to the restaurant and puked on the floor to get even -- then pooped on the floor to get ahead!