By Hungryman - 15/01/2010 21:30 - France

Today, I ordered a Diet Coke with my meal from a fast food restaurant. Turns out, they didn't give me diet. My blood sugar spiked and I was sick for hours later. I'm a diabetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 391
You deserved it 8 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Erindub 0

I can ALWAYS tell if a drink is diet. I only drink non-diet drinks when I do occasionally indulge in a soda pop and therez NO WAY I could mistake its icky diet taste

ok all of you saying eating fast food was his fault may be wrong. Maybe he had a salad or something fairly healthier than whatever else was served on the menu. I sometimes cannot tell the difference. This doesn't make you stupid and it doesn't mean it's okay to say he deserved it. He should have taken his insulin as soon as he started feeling sick. No need to fire the worker but he should state that he is a diabetic who was given regular pop so that way the manager can make sure it doesnt happen again. Mistakes happen people.

DDlife 0

I'm a type 1 diabetic, and I can't tell the difference between regular and diet. I have a terrible sense of taste, I guess. This happened to me once, and I keep my own pop in my car now in case I have to eat while I'm out. And I eat at fast food restaurants; their salads can be alright. OP didn't say they were ordering a Big Mac or something.

Hey, there's a funny site like FML but where visitors can tell their DARKEST SECRETS!!! it's

I call fake because if you drink diet, you know regular immediately.

maybe he doesn't drink soda much at all so wouldn't notice the difference?

voveraite 7

Yes! How come no one has thought of that before? I haven't had soda in years (just a choice, no diabetes or other health condition), so if someone offered me one, I couldn't tell whether it's diet or regular. Sure, if both at the same time, then yes ;)

Hey, it's possible that the OP rarely eats at Macdonald's, but was just accompanying a friend and decided to get something too, or maybe just felt like a treat. Maybe he or she doesn't drink coke often enough to know the taste of diet vs. non-diet. And not everyone is on an insulin regime where they take a rapid-acting insulin with their meal and measure their blood sugar afterwards. Some people just take a mixed insulin once or twice a day. And the OP didn't say anything about thinking that Macdonald's was legally liable, or about wanting to sue Macdonald's. Geez.

aka_mrs_c 0

ydi cause you shouldnt be eating fast food anyway. you're diabetic and you need to eat right. get a clue.

you obviously don't know enough about diabetes.

There's a site like FML but where visitors can tell their DARKEST SECRETS! :) it's

There's a site like FML but where visitors can tell their DARKEST SECRETS! :) it's