By Hungryman - 15/01/2010 21:30 - France

Today, I ordered a Diet Coke with my meal from a fast food restaurant. Turns out, they didn't give me diet. My blood sugar spiked and I was sick for hours later. I'm a diabetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 391
You deserved it 8 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


franfran_fml 0

Also, if the customer asks for diet soda, it's the employee's job to deliver this order, so they don't deserve it.

You are going to bet your life on some fast food place not mixing up two drinks that even you can't tell apart? Yeah, sue them for violating your constitutional right to get a diet beverage of your choice.

Mabster84 2

I say YDI. You knew you were diabetic, and chose fast food which is FULL of carbs and sugars. If you had decided to make the right choices in your diet (there are many things to eat on the go that are diabetic friendly) you could have avoided a possible spike in your blood sugar levels completely. Choose wisely next time.

Why are you eating at a fast food place if you're a diabetic..?

not hard to taste the difference between diet and regular... only place that fills them for you in the US is wendys

dudeitsdanny 9

Depends on the place, not just the franchise. I've been to a couple McDonald's where they fill them for you. One Burger King And a Jack in the Box. But I'm pretty sure the Wendy's I drive by(don't eat there) fills it for you, but they have a machine to for refills.

My dad works at a Mc Donald's where they fill them for you.

zee209 0

Uh, you do realize it's easy to tell the difference between diet and regular, right??

qnetter 1

It's your responsibility to taste the difference on the first sip and not finish it. (Not to mention the fact that there are enough questions about the chemistry and appetite effect of that stuff that you should switch to water.)

I know what you mean. My boyfriend and I are both diabetics and this has happened soo many times to us.