By Hungryman - 15/01/2010 21:30 - France

Today, I ordered a Diet Coke with my meal from a fast food restaurant. Turns out, they didn't give me diet. My blood sugar spiked and I was sick for hours later. I'm a diabetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 391
You deserved it 8 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments


hh_sport48 2

maybe it was the fast food also...

MamaC_fml 0

To all you supposed "diabetic experts": learn about type 2 diabetes. Not every diabetic is given insulin. Others are given PILLS (ooo what a novel medical concept) like metformin or glyburide, something that you can't just give yourself an extra 5 unit boost for incidents like this. OP, I'd have to get more information about what you had to eat and how long you've been diabetic before saying FYL or YDI. If you've been a long time diabetic and you wolfed down a super-sized combo, a shake, and dessert, that regular pop most likely isn't the sole cause of you getting sick, you completely deserve it, and I recommend speaking to a dietitian about your diet. (In fact if you got sick HOURS later it would probably be all the other stuff you ate, as liquids tend to process through your system a bit faster than the solid stuff.) However, if you had a salad (like what DDlife said) and maybe a kid's fry, yeah, I could see how this is an FYL and you'd have a reason to be ticked off. As a diabetic myself, I get unsweetened iced tea as much as possible- very easy to tell when I've been given the sugary stuff.

He should still be monitoring it better either way. Obviously if his blood-sugar can go high that much easier, he should be watching it even more closely shouldn't he?

FUmissdaisy 0

ur the fatass that is goin through the drive thru. annh wonder why ur diabetic......

newsgit 0

ahh, you're the idiot that sits at his computer and insults people he knows nothing about. I wonder why you have no life...

This has been said numerous times, but how the hell can't you taste the difference? Also, WHY are you eating at a fast food joint??

dudeitsdanny 9

But most people in America don't know how fast food places work outside, because.. We haven't been everywhere, some of us haven't been anywhere. But the drive-thru place applies to every country I can think of.

YDI but I think you should take legal actions

agnijay 0

Um, I can't tell the difference between Diet Coke and regular Coke though I can tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke. Also, I know that in some European sodas, they replace corn syrup with sugar, so the difference in taste might not be pronounced. And to all of you calling him a fatass, you're telling me you've NEVER been to a fast food restaurant before? He didn't say he eats eat every day or every week. It's possible to have the occasional meal from McDonald's and still be healthy. The kids meal is actually part of Weight Watchers, and their cheeseburgers have like 300 calories, which really isn't that much if you just have that, a diet soda, and apple dippers or a fruit 'n' yogurt parfait or whatever. I know that I was on Jenny Craig for a while and I could still eat the kids meal and lose weight that week. I'd definitely say FYL, and everyone who says YDI is just a pessimistic fucktard trying to make everything someone else's fault.

it is their fault for drinking it, yeah the restaurant made a mistake, but nobody forced them to actually drink it, so yes it is their fault for consuming it. Even if they went through drive-thru, they could have stopped somewhere else and gotten a diet soda or something else without sugar to drink instead of continuing to drink the sugary regular soda. And since he/she wasn't forced to drink it they have no case for suing, NONE! The most the can do it let the restaurant know what happen so that employees can be trained to be more careful. You can't sue over everything, especially not when drinking the soda was a choice.

agnijay 0

I didn't say that he should sue, I just said that this was most definitely an FYL.

No he shouldnt have too emphasize he's Diabetic however the employees are low class uneducated throways the lot of them! Therefore those simpletons probaly considered him snotty and "high follutin" For requesting diet soda! And thats why he got basically ignored upon his request for diet!! Sad but true! Next time dine in and if God Forbid you again get sick puke on their floor!! And leave Lol