By Mel - 27/01/2019 20:00

Today, I found out the guy I was seeing was married, with a kid, when his wife sent me a friend request on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 786
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

Better you found out now before you got too deep right? Hope you find a better guy soon!

maroongrad 13

Welp, I'd take that friend request so you can meet with her lawyer and support her through divorce court....


Gofuckyourself 24

What the hell is up with some married men living double lives? If you're married... LET IT BE KNOWN! Don't ruin someone else's life because of your selfish needs.

maroongrad 13

Welp, I'd take that friend request so you can meet with her lawyer and support her through divorce court....

manb91uk 22

Better you found out now before you got too deep right? Hope you find a better guy soon!

childlessmother 16

No but if she has sent you a friend request then she probably already knows about you two and it's already late for you to dump his ass.. I'd rather suggest you to talk to her and try to save their marriage an tell her to give him another chance to save the family right? Or ofcourse you could help her with the divorce and it all goes down from there..

What's there to save? He already cheated on her, and apparently not just once or he considered a boyfriend by someone else. Children aren't a reason for people to stay together when their relationship isn't working anymore. They'd be much better off with parents living in divorce but happy than with them staying together and be miserable.

Just deny the request and walk away from both of them. If you tell the wife, don’t expect her to become your buddy. It’s likely she won’t believe that you thought he was unmarried. Let the next mistress be his downfall.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Make friends with his wife, then you can both make his life miserable because he deserves it!

ppl not looking into the ppl that they dating smh

its as if google or facebook doesn't exist. What is this?? 1997????

Married with a kid, huh? Where do you even live that that's legal?