By klv8 - 07/02/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I logged onto facebook to realize that my boyfriend is now listed as single. News to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 714
You deserved it 3 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matisse_fml 0

If that's his way of breaking up then he is a pussy. Immediately confront him on this, and be forceful when you do so. As a straight guy, I would expect that kind of reaction to call me out. Further bullshit is possible, like "it was a mistake", but if the guy is a facebook veteran then you know he's full of shit.

LonelyLoser93 3

So she was ashamed of you?


Matisse_fml 0

If that's his way of breaking up then he is a pussy. Immediately confront him on this, and be forceful when you do so. As a straight guy, I would expect that kind of reaction to call me out. Further bullshit is possible, like "it was a mistake", but if the guy is a facebook veteran then you know he's full of shit.

texangal10_utatx 0

I agree with the first one my bf pg on facebook had done the same thing...well it was a mistake he hadn't even been on in 2 days dont jump to conclusions...ask him dont get any attitude just ask and if he did...GET REVENGE FOR WASTING UR TIME WITH A PUSSY!!

Happened to me too except she just changed it to single then back to relationship cause she didn't want people to know it was me.

LonelyLoser93 3

So she was ashamed of you?

Same thing happened to me, Things between me and the girl were going great, but she blindsided me with it 2 days before Christmas. There's just a lot of cowards out there, so chin up.

happened to a friend of mine. you're better off, trust me

what a coincidence that is how girlfriend left, me only it turned out she was still listed as in a relationship, a couple days later i found out why, i sympathize.

ken02 0

That dude is an ass, find yourself a dude with balls who can actually break up with you in person.

Its just facebook. I think we all wish it never existed anymore. My bf was listed as 'married' to his bestfriend forever. It didnt bother me, they're just odd. The he changed it to 'single' and it that bothered me. I suggest talking to him verse following facebook :)

ah! this happened to me...and then he changed the caption of a picture of us to "my ex, but she's still mad chill :]" top it off, this all happened christmas night. the whole internet knew he broke up with me before i did! anyway, anyone dumb enough to use the internet as a means of breaking up doesn't deserve to be dated in the first place. you'll find someone better!