By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I noticed that my facial hair had grown by an acceptable amount. I spoke to my Dad and decided to show him, thinking he would approve of my manliness. His exact words when I showed him were, "Nah, son. You just look like a lesbian." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 809
You deserved it 5 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wasn't aware lesbians had facial hair.

flockz 19

hey at least your facial hair was longer than kim kardashian's marriage.


Ummm. Hair grew IN your eyes? I don't agree with that being manly at all. Good Luck with that. xD

gunmania0 12

Was not trying to be funny. Oh lol. Just got it. I apologize, my bad! Hair grew on his face and Was able to reach his eyes and thinking that makes him manly. Still doesn't lol.

I have hair; Alan does not. Therefore, his words are tainted with jealousy. Q.E.D.

builditbetter09 3
builditbetter09 3

1- your humor isn't funny. It just makes you look like a lesbian.

KiddNYC1O 20

I've seen Sirin(yes, bragging lol) and she's a pretty gal.

Lol you guys are so rude so watch me fail. Well correct me before. w/e

Damn, even a moderator is getting in on this. FAIL

BayleeWasHere 1

Your humor is just like your picture.

irelabdlad44 0

Fool look at your profile picture. You ain't no man either

It must have been a reasonable mistake; the wording of the FML got changed. I read it a few times before I got it, granted I was only half-awake.

twistedlovex 0

Would you all just leave the guy alone! Sure he made a simple mistake. So what?! We all do that's what makes us human! Besides come on he's already got like 70 people telling him that he made the mistake anyways so do you really think you telling him it too is going to make a difference at all?! And personally hun, I think your picture is absolutely fantabulous :) Now all of you go back to your lives

arlekin21 0

Did this fml change, because i dont see anything having to do with eyes?

Thanks for the nice stuff you guys. I wish there was more people like you. Also thanks for the one person that corrected me. I don't need a bunch of people telling me about my mistakes. They happen.

WTF??? It doesn't even mention eyes. I am so confused.

Yeah I think it changed. :S. sorry, I didn't only confuse you, myself aswell. :(

Peach fuzz. ._. Also was I the only one who read it as OP having facial hair in their eyes?

No, #1 is making quite a spectacle out of just that.

m0tl3ycru3 0

When it talks about in the OP's eyes it's refering to the OP's point of view

24- Don't worry I thumbed myself down for plagiarism. 0.o 25- I know, I was just pointing out an oddity in how the FML was written.

StopDropNRoll 11

Did the fml change?! Cause I don't see the word eyes -__-

I'm assuming that OP wrote something along the lines of "in my eyes" as a use for "in my opinion". Then the mods changed it because it didn't sound right, and obviously caused a grammar storm in the comments.

KiddNYC1O 20
EvilCupcake8361 9

Embrace it, maybe you'll get BO too :)

i dont see why OP needs approval of his manliness...thats kinda weird...

Why get an overrated FPS to become manly? ^^^ That was my failed attempt at humor, I know BO stands for "body odor" so PLEASE don't bury me. Please.

sidkid008 0

Lesbians will now be jealous of you

BehindU 5

Didn't know lesbians had peach fuzz.

Guess you should shave and embrace your baby face? I personally don't like facial hair so that sounds good to me:)

DontModMeDammit 10

More you shave the more it grows.

Then he should keep up with the sounds of it I don't imagine he'll have to shave often...

Lol beards and mustaches are very over rated... On a completely unrelated not nice band choices wcarlover I like almost all of those bands

shyeahh_fml 19

lol WCAR and OM&M. amazing bands and usernames.

*Leaves comment due to relevancy* Alright I'll leave now.

StopDropNRoll 11

8- glad you don't like facial hair I don't like it on women either. But if op shaved and it grew back faster and thicker then maybe he might look manly enough for his dad to approve? Hmm. I think what you meant was you dont like facial hair on men. I just got it :(

That is a myth. Shaving has no effect on hair density or thickness. It leaves the end of the hair blunt which merely gives the impression of a thicker strand. Hair growth happens in the follicle, under the skin. Shaving couldn't possibly affect the hair except to shorten it to skin level.

shrdlu 28

At least that's one problem that can be solved just by waiting... a couple of years should do it.

What's even scarier is that you would actually become a lesbian if you decided to step outside in the middle of December.

flockz 19

hey at least your facial hair was longer than kim kardashian's marriage.