My little boy

By stubble - 13/11/2009 06:26 - Canada

Today, I had to meet my mother. Being a college student, I decided I was too lazy to shave this morning. She noticed the stubble on my face, and started crying because I'm growing up. I'm 23 years-old. My dad yelled at me for making my mom cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 918
You deserved it 3 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

23 is a little late to be noticing facial hair on a man. My guess is that your face was as smooth as a baby's butt through high school and in your early 20's, and your mom thought you were her little girl. She's crying over the pain and expense you are going to have to endure to have electrolysis so you can still be her daughter.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

To be honest, your dad probably feels the same way your mom does and that's why he yelled at you. Parents hate when their child grows up. It's inevitable, though. FYL


She reminds me of Kitty off of That 70s Show. Same with the father, he reminds me of Red. And the poor OP is Eric =P

seraph909 0

yeah, you're so insensitive! how can you just go ahead and grow up like that? srsly though, it sucks when you get to be blamed for something natural.

22cute 17

Um I think the real problem here is Op's lack of grooming. Hygiene is not unnatural.

#4, how could OP be so irresponsible, growing up like that!

I mean seriously! The nerve he has for allowing time to move forward!

MermaidSongXOXO 6

To be honest, your dad probably feels the same way your mom does and that's why he yelled at you. Parents hate when their child grows up. It's inevitable, though. FYL

blland 0

they hate it when they get old, imo.

dudeitsdanny 9

Let's agree that it's both =) My mom cries whenever my sister talks about moving away for school. And she cries about me growing up, even though I'm 19 and live extremely(NOT EVEN A QUARTER MILE) from them. ^^ But she told me on my last birthday, that she was sad, because that meant she was about to turn a year older herself. Same on my sister's birthday

perdix 29

23 is a little late to be noticing facial hair on a man. My guess is that your face was as smooth as a baby's butt through high school and in your early 20's, and your mom thought you were her little girl. She's crying over the pain and expense you are going to have to endure to have electrolysis so you can still be her daughter.

My mom acts like that towards me too, just because I'm quite a bit taller than her now, and she wonders where her little girl went. lmao But hopefully she'll accept that you're growing up, soon enough.

Ahh.. don't you just love family get-togethers. Mom crying, Dad Yelling.. all it's missing is the drunk uncle/aunty, the farting granmother and the bratty cousin being annoying then you got Xmas day. :)

UsernameInCanada 7

I love the accuracy this displays! its actually dead right

I suppose its understandable to cry after not seeing your son for a while. But stubble? Your parents are retarded.