By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 10:26 - United States

Today, I made the mistake of sneezing in front of a hyper religious customer, who for ten minutes blamed the incident of shifting weather patterns that signaled the return of Jesus, who was as she explained, upset about the abortion rates in America and President Obama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 925
You deserved it 5 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Y'know, I'm Christian, and I love Jesus, and all that... But I just can't stand people like that...ugh

perfectwinds 0

Haha I love hyper religious customers. When one found out I was pregnant she literally reached across the desk, grabbed my head, and said "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BABY!" really loud. I couldn't stop laughing after she left.


AGr8pretending 0

sounds reasonable enough, I guess

Ngood7 0

Gotta love customer service jobs, and the interesting/irritating/******* weird people you encounter.

perfectwinds 0

Haha I love hyper religious customers. When one found out I was pregnant she literally reached across the desk, grabbed my head, and said "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BABY!" really loud. I couldn't stop laughing after she left.

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Y'know, I'm Christian, and I love Jesus, and all that... But I just can't stand people like that...ugh

Didn't mean to downvote, but some guy I'm arguing with is quoting bible verses. ******* annoying

I can't STAND people like that! They need to have their mouths stapled or something. I'm carrying a stapler from now on.

Clandestine_x 0

Oh, wow. I'm so, so sorry. I would have lost it on her after about a minute.

smokeyou 0

That crazy Jesus, always being signaled to return by mundane things like your sneezes.

Where the hell do you work?! You should have played along to see what else would come out of her mouth.