By sonofawackjob - 18/08/2017 17:15 - United States - Syracuse

Today, my raving lunatic mother screamed at me for being "disrespectful", threatened to not pay for my college, swore at me, and accused me of having multiple personality disorder, all in rapid succession. This was provoked by me sneezing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 624
You deserved it 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like there's a piece to this story you left out.

You left out some information. What did you do to upset your mother in the first place?


I feel like there's a piece to this story you left out.

If you read, she said was because she sneezed.

No my mom is just like this my dads divorced her she has no friends family's disowned her or she's disowned them some people are just crazy af

You left out some information. What did you do to upset your mother in the first place?

Were you supposed to be Bashful or Dopey or Doc, and you broke character?

Bubbles77777 11

After reading your post& then seeing your name I literally laughed out loud haha haha:) :) your name is hilarious:):) & hey tell her the apple don't fall far from the tree:):)

Well, in the olden days, people did think that sneezing was a sign of attempting to get rid of evil spirits. A simple "God Bless You" from your mother would have sufficed.

ever thought about paying for your own college?

I'm guessing the mother has the money too and the kid would just be a broke college student spending years to work off that debt college loans are awful and if the parent can save the child from them they should it's like if someone bought you a Ferrari and then someone who had bought there own came up to you and said ever thought about paying for your own Ferrari it's rude just because you did it doesn't mean everyone else has too especially if the parents are rich she probably didn't ask for it it likely was offered to her

I feel you dude, it's rough having parents with mental disorders. my mom kicked me out whenbI was seventeen because the cat knocked down a speaker. we went years without talking, but now we're pretty close. the moral of this story is don't depend on your crazy mom.

The mom doesn't have mental illness...

what part of his fml suggest that she doesnt?

Wow I wonder what would have happened if you farted

Move to Cali for 2 years, work and get experience, Community college is like $25 a unit. SBCC auto transfer to a UC school if you have a C average.

Your mom has issues if just a sneeze triggers her like this.