Never forget

By OhhhNooo - 14/03/2010 23:23 - United States

Today, my Dad told me that I was named after the dog he accidentally shot in the head as a teenager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 874
You deserved it 2 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BluPenguin 3

What a twist! That news must have struck you like a bullet!

persianality 0


BluPenguin 3

What a twist! That news must have struck you like a bullet!

Pball11 0

Hmm, like a bunch of other people, I wonder what your name is. That could make your situation decent or terrible, either way I'd watch out before your dad shoots you in the head.

tweetbaby14 18

this isn't an fml. so what he named you after a dog he shot. it's not like he tries to make up for it by feeding you treats or giving you all your food in a bowl with gravy on it.

Well would you want to be named after a dead dog?

just don't get rabies and you'll be fine

hawkster90 0

My question is, who clicked YDI? Kid didn't do anything to warrant getting a dead dog's name.

ravensunnyd 0

it be funny if he was named buttons

marleytooyou 0

wow that sucks major!!!! ur dad is an ass muncher!!!!

Dwight_A_R_Manag 0
Monikabug 9

Lol @1, I loved that. That's so weird, my uncle did the same thing to my cousin. But, OP, if the name works as a human name it is not so bad. FMyCousin'sLife for being named after a dog named Thor. FYL, for being named after a dog that your father accidently killed. :)

Them good old California rednecks.... but seriously how do you accidentaly shoot a dog in the head?

Felendris 0

is the grown up kid of the FML where the OPs kid got named Titan without her approval? o.O (ZOMG CONSPIRACY THEORY GOGO)

Peacemaker9 7

and that name would be what exactly? cmon u gotta tell me plz!!!!!!! plz!!!!! plz!!!! plz!!!!! lol jking op but seriously what's the name? your father Atticus? Did the dog have rabies?

he must be one of those sentimental types

persianality 0
Free_Hugs10 0

My dog's name is Lassie 

LucasVDB 23

I'm pretty sure it's Rover, it's Rover.

omg out of all the names in the world he couldn't decide on another name?

Because when OP was born his dad suddenly had the urge to do to him what he did to the dog.

MasterOfTheXP 2
nomnommonster 0
prettybrwneyes16 0

well now I'm just wondering what your name is ?? haha