By j. farmer-smith - 09/02/2018 23:00 - United States - Jamestown

Today, I'm a superintendent at a school, and it snowed today after school. The snow ended up freezing on the road, so I called school off for tomorrow. I sent calls home, cancelled all school events, and then realized that it's Friday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 125
You deserved it 3 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

5th_point_of_contact 8

I have empathy but that’s still not as bad as thinking it’s Friday only to discover it’s actually Wednesday.

jellenwood 35

I’m sure you had a very long and tiring week! Thanks for all you do for the kids!


5th_point_of_contact 8

I have empathy but that’s still not as bad as thinking it’s Friday only to discover it’s actually Wednesday.

You’re a hero. Everyone hates Saturday school anyways!!!

jellenwood 35

I’m sure you had a very long and tiring week! Thanks for all you do for the kids!

So? Does your school not have any events on Saturdays? Mine often had sports games, Saturday detention, and of course the Chess club tournaments.

My high school chess club was like Honey Badger as far as weather was concerned. We just didn’t give a shit. Queen to D7, check!

We barely had a chess club. Only 4 or 5 of us would show up after school and only one or two on Saturdays. Not a whole lot of fun that way. Night to D7 Kidnaps Queen.

Better safe than sorry right? You did great OP!

If anything, it just shows your concern and dedication to everyone at school.

It's not a bad habit to get into--ensuring that all events are cancelled the day after a snow. There often are events at schools on weekends.

unintended_consequence 5

Hey, when all the days end in Y it's hard to keep track

tckm1699 7

It’s not totally uncalled for. In high school many sports have games and practices on the weekend