By FangirlMess6 - 24/03/2017 07:00 - United States

Today, I saw a man stuck in his car door by his jacket. I ran over to help him, and his wife hit me with her purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 836
You deserved it 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She assaulted you, should've called the cops.

This doesn't seem like the type of 'emergency' that requires you to rush to provide assistance. Perhaps more measured action on your part would have avoided this reaction.


She assaulted you, should've called the cops.

She assaulted you, should've called the cops.

This doesn't seem like the type of 'emergency' that requires you to rush to provide assistance. Perhaps more measured action on your part would have avoided this reaction.

Unless he was getting out of the car while someone was dropping them off and the driver didn't notice and was about to continue driving. I might be reading too much into it but thats what I imagined since OP ran to help.

FangirlMess6 10

I was trying to help an old man. Sorry for being a decent human.

species4872 19

Yeah, gotta watch those humans.

This is why staying out of other people's affairs is usually a good idea.

The wife should've been there trying to help her husband

Plot twist: Tge wife was driving and dragging the husband along. She hit you with the purse to stop you from stopping her devious plan.

She probably didn't see why it was necessary to undo his pants to "help" him, you hussy!

species4872 19

So now she knows who the other women is.

wrwrestler9 5

Can I be brutally honest? Unless the car was on, and/or there was a driver in the drivers seat, and you reasonably thought that someone was going to drive off and drag him along the pavement... then you really didn't have a reason to go running over to him and grabbing him. Like if the car was off, and his shirt was simply caught in his door, that's really not "an emergency". That's a casual "oh, hm, looks like I should open my door and get my shirt out, hm" kind of thing. It's not life threatening lmao. Let's be honest, was the guy physically attractive and/or tall? Was he clearly better looking than you? Was you running over to help him, POSSIBLY at ALL linked to him looking attractive? If he was short, fat and had kind of an ugly face, would you still have run over to help him as emphatically as you did? Be honest. Be HONEST here. Yes, the wife absolutely should not have hit you. But if my hunch is correct, you basically used a semi-socially valid "Excuse" to try to flirt or get in close physical proximity with, a better looking man, right in front of his wife, under the guise of "helping him" with something that wasn't even really an emergency at all to begin with. Like what, do you not think he's capable of getting his shirt out of a car door? That's silly. You ran over because you thought he was cute/hot. Not because you felt like his life would end if you didn't help save him from the eeeevil door. Lmao. And yes, his wife knew what you were up to, that's why she reacted like she did. Again, violence isn't justified EVER... but i really don't have any sympathy for a girl who's trying to steal someone's husband or flirt with someone's husband in front of the wife. He did NOT NEED YOUR HELP REMOVING HIS SHIRT FROM A CAR DOOR. Again, if the car was like RUNNING THOUGH, or the wife was in the drivers seat at the time, that's a different story. But it sounds like it was parked and they were both outside of the car.

wrwrestler9 5

Can I be brutally honest? Unless the car was on, and/or there was a driver in the drivers seat, and you reasonably thought that someone was going to drive off and drag him along the pavement... then you really didn't have a reason to go running over to him and grabbing him. Like if the car was off, and his shirt was simply caught in his door, that's really not "an emergency". That's a casual "oh, hm, looks like I should open my door and get my shirt out, hm" kind of thing. It's not life threatening lmao. Let's be honest, was the guy physically attractive and/or tall? Was he clearly better looking than you? Was you running over to help him, POSSIBLY at ALL linked to him looking attractive? If he was short, fat and had kind of an ugly face, would you still have run over to help him as emphatically as you did? Be honest. Be HONEST here. Yes, the wife absolutely should not have hit you. But if my hunch is correct, you basically used a semi-socially valid "Excuse" to try to flirt or get in close physical proximity with, a better looking man, right in front of his wife, under the guise of "helping him" with something that wasn't even really an emergency at all to begin with. Like what, do you not think he's capable of getting his shirt out of a car door? That's silly. You ran over because you thought he was cute/hot. Not because you felt like his life would end if you didn't help save him from the eeeevil door. Lmao. And yes, his wife knew what you were up to, that's why she reacted like she did. Again, violence isn't justified EVER... but i really don't have any sympathy for a girl who's trying to steal someone's husband or flirt with someone's husband in front of the wife. He did NOT NEED YOUR HELP REMOVING HIS SHIRT FROM A CAR DOOR. Again, if the car was like RUNNING THOUGH, or the wife was in the drivers seat at the time, that's a different story. But it sounds like it was parked and they were both outside of the car.