By Anonymous - 11/03/2016 22:09 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I lost what should've been the easiest bet ever. Now I have to let my girlfriend go at me with a strap-on or forever be known as a sore loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 877
You deserved it 20 806

Same thing different taste


I guess you let your mouth write a check that your ass couldn't cash.

Be remembered as the sore loser. I would rather be a loser than have my butt violated by a strap-on!

Astrobomb 21

if he agreed to the bet, that's his own fault. he better pucker up and so being a little bitch

If she really loved you she wouldn't do it, surely.

Really wanna hear how this pans out tbh.

I don't understand all the comments about him being sore and looser or that he might actually enjoy it. It's like you've forgotten he can choose the latter…

Well your first mistake was making a bet with a girl... We literally only make bets if we know we'll win, or have a trick up our sleeve

If she loves you, she will not force you to do this. This is unwanted sex and would, for me, classify as rape. You lose no self respect by saying no. You have the right to protect your body?

Sorry, that was supposed to be an exclamation, not question mark

Either way you'll be sore, and either way you'll be a loser.