By Anonymous - 11/03/2016 22:09 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I lost what should've been the easiest bet ever. Now I have to let my girlfriend go at me with a strap-on or forever be known as a sore loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 877
You deserved it 20 806

Same thing different taste


How do you assume its a guy posting this? I'm reading a lot about "yeah you'll still end up sore." With a lot of assumptions to anal. Maybe its a lesbian couple. Could be wrong though.

dwillsn 10

Lol if youre gonna make a bet you need to make sure youre up for losing

Shouldn't bet with something u don't want to lose ! I hope she uses a big 1 on u ! Dumb ass

youll be a sore loser no matter what you do