By honor sucks - 27/11/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, I lost a huge bet with my friends. I had to either post a sexual message on my mom's Facebook wall confessing my "love" for her, or be ratted out for cheating on a school test earlier in the year. Now I'm considered a freak by half my school, and am indefinitely grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 025
You deserved it 45 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JukeboxValkyrie 19

I'm worried about the other half of op's school.


i_amthe_walrus 0

I would have gone with the cheating. You can't prove that.

Obviously because in OP's mind the reward was worth the risk, but obviously he did not want it more than he needed it and failed.

Muslimgal92 0

You just ruined your teenage years...that was a dumb move!

brt3420 13

Who ever this guy is is retarded. You cheated on a test and are sweating over it. Your pathetic, you have to be an idiot to post something sexual on your moms fb wall. Ydi dumbass.

Ooorrr u could not do either. There comes a point were you draw a line

your friends are a bunch of immature little f*cks... FYL

We all know OP shouldn't play serious poker anytime in his life.

49- I'd play poker with OP any time. If he'd make a bet with stakes like that and lose, I'm pretty sure he'd be fairly easy to clean out in a card game.

This sounds like less of a bet and more of blackmail.

Seriously OP.. You have more issues than that.

2 I guess his "friends" said that if he didn't take the bet that they'd rat him out anyways. they probably just wanted the possibility of him writing on his moms facebook wall. YDI for adding your mom. on a serious note FYL for having friends like that and YDI for cheating. no good deed goes unpunished, but you're sure as **** to get slapped for a bad one.

His "rep" was probably on the line. Guess what they lost either way.

why would half your school be friends with your mom????

^ are you ******* stupid? All it takes is one person being friends and seeing the post for word to spread like wild fire. Besides, you don't think OP's "friends" would've humiliated him by telling everyone?

I'm guessing from his username that he has a strong sense of honor, which includes keeping his word to his friends, but apparently has nothing to do with not cheating on a test, owning up to it, or not publicly humiliating his own mother to cover it up.

LuLzUnDaTaBrDgE 0

Dumb retard! I would of smack you, if I were your father or brother> OP and 136

babyyninjas 1

Friends should be the ones who have your back man, not ******* up your school life and possibly, family lol

Crea8urWorld 5

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That's not the kinda love theyre talking about. They're referring to romantic love not mother/child love.

yeah I send sexual messages to my mom all the time....-___-

XavierMedina 0

I think he means rather intamite

Gregsgirl4ever 0
sarahxD1234 5

There's an option on Facebook where You can chose certain people who cab see a post you made . Only include your friends and mom then tell your mon someone has hacked you. Problem solved.

Rapt0rJesus 0

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

JukeboxValkyrie 19

I'm worried about the other half of op's school.

I would assume OP's mom is a major MILF, and the half that think OP is a freak is the majority of the female half. The rest of the school is only jealous they didn't make the move before OP did.

Of course, the other half could be people who don't use Facebook and not know about it.

It's not like people who have a Facebook are forbidden to talk with people who don't have one. I'm sure it spread very, very fast.

That's why you set the privacy restrictions on the wall post.

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I hate myself. I accidentally thumbed you up with a pudge finger...

DonkeyGilbert13 0

Don't worry, I understand your comment. Hahaha.

TypicalTroll 0
Jdog619 11

It is a song by Lonely Island, people! It is funny and relevant! Stop thumbing him down and look up "Motherlover" on Youtube.

bitchslapped22 14
LuLzUnDaTaBrDgE 0

There's no doubt this shit is crazy!

nublets 12

7- i always read you're comments in a 'my god what have i done' tone

anujt360 13

It's fine to love her in a motherly son/daughterly way but loving her like you love your girlfriend for example is just plain f*cked up.

Ahh I read the fml over once. I thought it was a motherly love. K.

Your own fault, not anyone else's. Honesty is always the best policy! Except when it's a woman and she is a psychotic stalker. Then it's better to just run and hide.

He went with honesty but only in romance and not academics.

laboa86 0

I like the stock girlfriends they never leave you.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Maybe the half of school thats mocking you are freaks for not loving their mothers

Wrong kind of love Look at the other comments DUMBASS *bad red foreman impression

Y would you cheat in the first place? And obviously people would think you're a freak for posting that

I agree with you #12, but I would rather people find out I cheated on a test than post that about my mom.

OP probably made the bet with a certainty that he would win. That's the only way I would take a bet with stakes like that. If he wasn't sure, then he shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place.

All my teachers know I cheat on tests, they don't really care. The education system is filled to the brim with lazy ass teachers. I love America!

So glad I attend a private school... Yay for being ejimuhkated.

I totally agree #12, you shouldn't have cheated in the first place, and even so, if you cheat, you should confess and face the consequences, I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, but it's the right thing to do

EnEl_Infierno 15

I would of rather been ratted out for cheating, I think a punishment for that would of been better, than for posting something lwed on your mom's fb page, and is anybody else wondering what the hell Op posted?