By Anonymous - 11/03/2016 22:09 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I lost what should've been the easiest bet ever. Now I have to let my girlfriend go at me with a strap-on or forever be known as a sore loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 877
You deserved it 20 806

Same thing different taste


Hey, maybe it'll turn out to be enjoyable. Can't know until you try!

is it your ego?..if she loves you she won't hurt you. If she wants to hurt you, ask yourself why! 3 times: why..are you with someone like that, want to let her do something like that and,... was it even an option for a wager?

better go with strap on no one has to know

Could always grow up and let her call you a sore loser for a couple of weeks til she forgets about it... or get penetrated and lose all self respect, and respect from your gf.

nameisname 12

Say "Who gives a shit that I am called a sore loser at least I'm not the one with a sore ass" then bend her over and plow her ass. Jk don't do that