By NotALuckyGuy - 07/04/2015 16:19 - United States - Columbus

Today, I lost my virginity in a porta-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 032
You deserved it 47 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love how you say "fml" like you had no choice in the matter


Hey man that's an achievement how many people do you know have had sex let alone lose their virginity in a Porta-Potty

it's not like you were forced to do it in a potty

truckers_wife 23

am I seriously the only one that is concerned about whether you loved each other or not? like if it was just a one time deal with someone you didn't love, then you'll regret this for the rest of your life. but if you loved the person you were with and you had a good time, then this unique location will be a fun story to tell in the future.

maggiefox 25

"Today, I had sex in a porta potty... And then it tipped over. FML."

Eh, it could have been worse than that .... right ?

Doesn't matter had sex? Most of us don't lose it in the greatest locations. 6'2 in the backseat of a sedan was pretty uncomfortable

Call me old fashion, but I lost mine in his bed.