By Emily S - 09/10/2011 05:17 - Australia

Today, I let a guy I like look at my phone. A second later I remembered I had a secret copy of his Facebook profile picture on there to show a friend what he looked like. I was forced to tackle him to get my phone back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 310
You deserved it 40 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happened to me before except she had a photo of me aswell so it was all good :)

NoNotTheFace 8

I can only imagine the conversation you had with him. Wha.. what is this? -Urm. It's nothing. Give it back. No. -GIVE IT BACK. HOLY SHIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? Now every night, he's on his bed, in fetal position, rocking himself to sleep because he's mentally disorientated knowing that a creepy stalker is masturbating to his facebook profile picture.


you're creepy, you could have always just shown your friend his fb page instead of keeping copies of his photos.

countmystrides 5

Uh makes you wonder who has your picture...

D4rkAng3L 5

You over did it just a little sadly.

You are a psycho!!! It's that simple find a padded room & go 2 sleep now...

Not that big of an fml. This has happened to me and my friends manymanymany times. Tackling is fun! :P

thatismessed 0

my friend showed me his friend's ipod and the lock screen is a pic of his current girlfriend and the home screen is a pic of his ex