By AlyssaBC - 06/03/2010 07:28 - United States

Today, I received an e-mail from the Unemployment Department saying they had a job referral for me. After excitedly reading the description, I realised it was the job I'd just been fired from (at a much higher pay). If I don't go through the application process, I will be denied my unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 708
You deserved it 2 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Can you tell someone at the unemployment office and just explain the situation for them? Otherwise, just go to the job interview. So what. They won't hire you anyway since you were fired and you jump through a hoop or two and then you can have all the free money you want.


Sonfang 19

allright go for the maybe akward but it could land you a job again...possibly. if not then draw unemployement until another offer arises...easy. unless you're a slacker and want to draw on tax payers dollars and not even try, in that case you would be a failure. :) have a nice day and good luck with the interview!

Meh, so go through the process. It will be awkward for them too and they can't fire you twice.

agreed at least if the person tries they will get unemployment back

livluvlaff8 0

I would go for it if I were you

ThuhBoss 0

You're from the US. It's 'realized.'

He can spell it how ever the he wants.

It's likely a mod outside the U.S. changed the 'z' to an 's'.

OP could also have grown up somewhere else and be used to spelling it that way.

How is this an FML?? This is a win-win situation. If they somehow don't realise and hire you back, there's your job back with increased pay. If they don't hire you (which is likely), then you'll get your unemployment. The stupid thing would be if you didn't apply.

shitner 0

What the OP meant was that the job would be at a substantial pay cut. The job he previously had was "at a much higher pay".

MrLefty 8

yeah that sucks for the OP. FYL indeed

a job I'd a job. I'm sure you would rather be embarrassed through the application process rather than have no income at all

xx3ginaxx3 0

I don't really understand this FML, can someone explain it to me!?

OP got fired...went on unemployment...they call OP and tell them of a job opening that they need to apply to in order to get benefits....the job is the employer OP got fired from and at a higher rate of pay. So I would just tell unemployment then, OP. Don't they have records where you worked last

xx3ginaxx3 0

But then how is that an FML? The worst that can happen is that they get the job and a higher pay.

But chances are she won't be hired for a position from which she was just fired. The situation you described is the best possible outcome, while in reality she will probably be laughed at for applying for the position. But in all reality, do the interview and be as confident as you can be. Don't let your previous employer get to you and the joke will be on them.

Well apply and get your paper! Don't worry, when they see it's you, they won't even call! What's the worst that can happen? You get the job back at higher pay?

what were you fired for? that could make a huge difference with the level of awkwardness.

Just apply. If they fired you, they're most likely going to ignore your application. I wouldn't risk a check for awkwardness.

So apply. They fired you, they're hardly likely to give you an interview or whatever, are they? And if they do and it's awkward you can just tell them you had no choice.

bomb the interview. it is easy to do. so apply, do all the stuff unemployment wants, and show up to the interview wearing shorts, an old t-shirt, shoes with no socks, and as the final touch be hungover. call your former boss or whoever is doing the interview a douchebag. whatever.

postaltubealex 0

this makes me sad. i hear of people living on unemployment benefits by ruining all of their job prospects and interviews.

That sucks. Can you tell someone at the unemployment office and just explain the situation for them? Otherwise, just go to the job interview. So what. They won't hire you anyway since you were fired and you jump through a hoop or two and then you can have all the free money you want.

Careful not to squander the reference from the initial job, if it's still salvageable.

Seriously? You're telling them to mooch off of the taxpayers? That's just sad.