By Nicky_ham - 06/01/2016 04:56 - Canada - Regina

Today, a 65-ish year-old man told me that he's married and not supposed to look at other women, but that I tempt him. All while sitting next to his wife, who then told me I was going to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 648
You deserved it 1 645

Same thing different taste


This mentality is what's wrong with the world.

The opinion of two senile old farts do NOT represent what is wrong with this world.

So old age is what's wrong with the world?

Unfortunately it isn't just their opinion. Many people believe this, hence my saying it's that type of mentality which is problematic.

Sadly I'm not surprised, I've heard men and women alike trying to justify treating young women like things to be oogled because they dress a certain way or are shaped a certain way. I remember being at a church service where the girls were begged to dress more modestly because it was causing the older men distressing thoughts (there were a lot of young female students there who, naturally, dressed like students instead of nuns when they attended). No words of caution or advice for the old men though. (edit - I replied to the wrong comment so this looks out of context, sorry!)

I believe that this "mentality" is what's wrong with the world as a general concept. This may be one specific incident but it gives an example of "victim blaming" which is an awful mentality

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OK downvotes are fun but would anyone care to point out where I'm wrong? Seriously.

It's this mentality of blaming women for the sexual attention they get from men. This man's wife, instead of lecturing her husband for his inappropriate behaviour, verbally abused the OP like she was responsible for the husband being a perv. Catcalling, sexual harrassment, even rape, people start talking about what the woman did to invite that attention on themselves, like they 'tempted' these guys into bad behaviour. THAT is the mentality people are talking about. And it is a pervasive problem.

Thank you #79, well said! Now I understand where #1 is coming from.

Some men do think only with their dicks at any age. Poster who said women can't win is right, fat and ugly punished, pretty or cute, punished. I am 51 and the harassment has waned somewhat, but still happens. Now I view most of it as pretty quaint, esp. when a young man does it, lol. This last summer I was with my husband stretching my legs after a long trip and 2 dudes about 28 slowed down and whooped at me.

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Reihna_fml 14

Well, obviously, you should just laugh that off. The woman has spent her life believing that her husband is not responsible for his actions. There is no way to fix that. If hell were real, he would be a candidate, because in their estimation, impure thoughts constitute adultery.

Andrmelon 7

This is definitely your fault, what are you thinking? Trying to tempt an old man*sarcasm*

My bad. Something about all black and an apron gets them going.

Yeah because obviously men only think with their penises. Thus, women are responsible for tempting all men with their short skits and high heels. This is why women must be covered head to toe at all times, dammit! UGH.

OP wearing all black and an apron sounds like a fancy coffee shop to me...maybe it was that you provided the caffeine that raised his lust?

Mathalamus 24

i didn't know what else to say. and, a lecherous husband with the wife essentially allowing it to new to me.

If you didn't know what to say, you could always say nothing. You're not obligated to comment mate :)

@#16 It's very common: the spouse rather than dealing with the facts, shift the blame to their spouses targets.

There was a rapist that went got in trouble, and during the trial you know what the victim got to hear? His girlfriend and family blaming her saying that she wanted it. It's terrible and sad, but it's sadly common. That's an extreme of it, but I'm sure everyone has seen where a partner cheats and the person blames and shifts their anger to the person their partner cheated with, whether they were aware of the relationship or not.

I'm I the only one wondering how she looked?

Does it matter? Hint: the answer is NO.

Tell her that at least in Hell you'll get unending barbecue, free heat and plenty of company since her sinner of a husband will be joining you.

Those are the type of people who shame rape victims for the clothes they wear. Absurd. Well on the bright side OP I'll meet you there! ha.