
By Relieved of child-creating obligations - 29/02/2024 02:00 - United States - Steele

Today, my niece will be born in about three months, and I just realized I'm more excited about my mom no longer being on my case about when I'm going to make her a grandma than I am about being an uncle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 422
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being an Aunt or Uncle is only as "exciting" as you choose to make it. Obviously the parents think of it as a bigger deal because it's their child. But for most uncles or aunts its not much of a relationship - Not your child and not a child you see that regularly... Never allow someone else to dictate to you if you want a child or not - Especially not a parent. It's a huge responsibility. I am a father and it comes with its rewards, but its not for everyone and it depends on where you are in life.

If she’s anything like my parents, that won’t stop her.


Being an Aunt or Uncle is only as "exciting" as you choose to make it. Obviously the parents think of it as a bigger deal because it's their child. But for most uncles or aunts its not much of a relationship - Not your child and not a child you see that regularly... Never allow someone else to dictate to you if you want a child or not - Especially not a parent. It's a huge responsibility. I am a father and it comes with its rewards, but its not for everyone and it depends on where you are in life.

If she’s anything like my parents, that won’t stop her.