
By Krissi - 21/08/2023 14:00 - United States

Today, I was late for a video conference with my boss. As I frantically tried to fix my messy hair, my dog thought it was the perfect time to play fetch. I ended up joining the meeting with a squeaky toy in hand and an appearance that would make a scarecrow look put together. My boss found it hilarious, but I'm pretty sure my career aspirations are now in the doghouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 335
You deserved it 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless your boss is a dog lover. In that case, your status has improved.

Never wait to the last minute to get ready for a work meeting - Either online or in person. Sometimes “shit happens” but if you allow extra time before the meeting then you won’t regret it… Unless your boss is an A-hole, he won’t make any important decisions about you based on this one incident. But in the future, allow extra time to be ready for all important meetings.


Unless your boss is a dog lover. In that case, your status has improved.

Never wait to the last minute to get ready for a work meeting - Either online or in person. Sometimes “shit happens” but if you allow extra time before the meeting then you won’t regret it… Unless your boss is an A-hole, he won’t make any important decisions about you based on this one incident. But in the future, allow extra time to be ready for all important meetings.