By itsrathersmall - 15/01/2013 21:58 - United States - Fargo

Today, I learned my neighbor can access my wireless printer from his house after it started printing off pictures of what I'm assuming is his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 117
You deserved it 7 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it shouldn't waste too much ink.

dustymuffler 5

You should put them at his door.


1. Sue the neighbor for unauthorized network access (see Computer Fraud and Abuse Act) and sexual harassment. 2. Password-protect the router.

perdix 29

#63, I'm thinking it's an accident and the neighbor isn't checking the printer selected before hitting the Print button. I'm thinking that he is forlornly looking at his printer wondering why his pictures aren't coming ;) He's so sad that his printer is rejecting his tiny penis like all of those women have.

RedPillSucks 31

His pictures aren't coming, and neither is OP

Yes, sue. That should fix everything. Plus you might get all the great stuff in his apartment as an award from the court. Dumb Squared

Sexual harassment? Maybe talk to him about it first? Could be a joke his friends pulled and he had no idea?

Well its no different than the mens changing room

You completely deserve it for having an open wifi network. You know that he could be using your network for illegal activity, and that could get tracked back to you, right? I would suggest putting a password on your network immediately. If you don't know how, just do a google search and you should be able to find a guide.

YDI for not securing your Wi-fi network. Honestly, even first graders know to password protect their stuff these days.

drewski50 6

It's your own fault for leaving your wireless unsecured for somebody to even use your printer. Way to go genius.