By itsrathersmall - 15/01/2013 21:58 - United States - Fargo

Today, I learned my neighbor can access my wireless printer from his house after it started printing off pictures of what I'm assuming is his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 117
You deserved it 7 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it shouldn't waste too much ink.

dustymuffler 5

You should put them at his door.


omfg You should put them on his car like the back

lylid 2

Hmm this is why you should encrypt your sharing network and devices. I hope your personal pictures and documents aren't visible as well.

Call the police & give them the evidence! I'm pretty sure it's illegal to print those pics on your house!

pretty sure there are no printers in the men's changing room

onorexveritas 23

if its rather small then post them up everywhere, that'll teach him

anybody else seen the creepy picture of Ainsley Harriot that someone printed off their neighbours wireless printer? instantly popped into my head when i read this

How does that even happen??? xD And also...did he do it on purpose? O.O

jordanleann95 6