Not safe for work

By Anonymous - 02/11/2019 00:02

Today, I went to move an intimate, very NSFW Word document to a secure folder on my phone. Instead, I accidentally sent it to a printer somewhere in my office building at work. I don't know which of my 40 coworkers or managers has it on their printer for their arrival tomorrow morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 875
You deserved it 2 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have no idea how you can print something instead of copying it but just print a ton of boring other stuff and hope people just hand you the entire pile of paper.

Break in tonight through the ventilation system and find your dirty story before anyone else does.


Break in tonight through the ventilation system and find your dirty story before anyone else does.

I have no idea how you can print something instead of copying it but just print a ton of boring other stuff and hope people just hand you the entire pile of paper.

EmDizzle2007 28

I don’t know how you printed the document on a printer and you don’t know where that printer is. But unless is has your name on the doc or anything that can lead back to you just let it go and pretend it didn’t happen. And if someone ask you if it your just play dumb. Or print a page to that same printer saying I accidentally printed to this printer please throw away previously printed document.

I feel like the level of whoopsie like this would be akin to tripping at the entrance to the building and falling to the roof. The only way this makes sense is if your accidental was you going on autopilot and telling it to print instead of copy. So on some level this is you not paying proper attention.

This is why you should never, ever use your work phone for personal business, nor your personal phone for work business. If work needs you to have a phone, they should provide one. If you need a personal phone, you should provide one. If that means you carry two phones, so be it... you won't be ending up on FML.

rotflqtms_ 21

or OP could try printing another document and see where it tries to send the document, and with the printer name, they have a better chance of finding which one it is. they can even ask someone where said printer is...