By itsrathersmall - 15/01/2013 21:58 - United States - Fargo

Today, I learned my neighbor can access my wireless printer from his house after it started printing off pictures of what I'm assuming is his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 117
You deserved it 7 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it shouldn't waste too much ink.

dustymuffler 5

You should put them at his door.


unlifeoftheparty 10

YDI, maybe now you'll remember to password protect.:P

dmoran20 27

You should change the name of your wireless access point to: don't need a short dick man....

Ins0mau 20

YDI. It's not THAT hard to secure your network!

Ask for a wee autograph and put it on the Internet

Count your blessings. He could be using your network to surf or something that could bring the FBI on you. Secure your network!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If it doesn't, it probably should.

And this is why you get a cable and plug it into the computer, as opposed to using the wifi settings. It prevents weird shit like this from happening! Sorry Op!

How would that solve the printing issue that OP is having?

The printer would be hard wired instead of wireless

It would still be available from the wireless network.

You would then turn off the wifi in the printer settings

mykelinva 4

So the picture looked like a penis only smaller

mykelinva 4

Hey… Has anyone seen my penis pictures? I hit the print button like five times.

perdix 29

Post them on Craigslist along with your neighbor's address. Maybe he can find a woman with a tiny ****** and a small mouth ;)