By itsrathersmall - 15/01/2013 21:58 - United States - Fargo

Today, I learned my neighbor can access my wireless printer from his house after it started printing off pictures of what I'm assuming is his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 117
You deserved it 7 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it shouldn't waste too much ink.

dustymuffler 5

You should put them at his door.


RoroRoxyRoo 2

password protect your WiFi and you won't have this problem. he is accessing your printer through your WiFi connection.

This is why we got rid of our wireless printer. I am not kidding. Someone - a neighbour, because it wasn't me or Dad, both of our PCs are in the same room, and my mother couldn't print from her laptop if her life depended on it - starting printing off ****. And fanfiction. About Animorphs. Yeaaah. We wired the printer to Dad's PC, shut down the 'wireless' function, and set up a printer account on his PC. I don't know which neighbour it was (I'm assuming not the lovely older lady I dogsit for, I don't think her computer HAS wireless capability), but I suspect the boy across the street. He always kinda creeped me out.

Now it's time to password protect your printer. A pass phrase of "needledick" would probably work...

How about putting a password on your wireless network? This is why they've included that feature since 2003.

Gotta give him props for his ingenuity

Im not sure about your printer but my wifi printer doesnt just work off of wifi, you have to have the printer code and use icloud or similar, mine is linked to my google account so you have to be connect to my account to print wireless.

ya know that could be considered sexual harassment on the neighbors part you should totally go to the police and get them in massive legal shit oh and if you have anyone under 18 in your house he could be charged with intent to distribute pornography and or lude images to a minor

I like how everyone is assuming he's old and fat. Is he cute?