Face, meet palm.

By Anonymous - 28/09/2017 18:27

Today, the week-long debate in my Senior Composition class reached a new height. A student brought in a special map and a globe to "prove" that the Earth is flat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 807
You deserved it 313

EarthsMightiestHeroes tells us more.

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

Hi guys! OP here, I had an account before but got locked out of it, and now I just created a new one. Basically, it was him and half the class versus the other half, and since his half was full of loud athletic kids, he "won" the argument (meaning my Comp teacher was sick of our shit). He busted out the globe to show us flight paths, which was his main (and the more I think about it... his only) argument for Flat Earth. The debate has died down, thank God, but I fear the day someone manages to set him off again and he starts screaming about "the government lying to us about the shape of the planet!!".

Top comments

It’s not just the map that is “special.”

The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe. Wait...


I sincerely hope he and those siding with him don't get the chance to breed. I'd have shut down that debate a long time ago if I were the teacher, because there's no excuse for that level of stupidity.

The question is whether the student in question actually believed it, or was just arguing the position for the sake of the discussion.

There are less asinine methods of learning how to debate a topic that has little to no supporting evidence.

There are less asinine methods of learning how to debate a topic that has little to no supporting evidence.

It’s not just the map that is “special.”

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You are a liar. Bill Nye crushed Ken Ham as judged by debate judges and popular vote. Creationism, flat-Earth and geocentric universe are all idiocy now.

I think your basic idea is good—students (at every level) should constantly question and challenge things, even if they are commonly accepted as truths and have authority behind them. That is how advances in thinking and technology happen. There is nothing to be gained or learned, however, from trying to argue facts. While scientific theories and social beliefs (things that *can* be debated) may change and evolve, there are things that are incontrovertible facts (the earth is round, gravity exists). As a teacher, I would be doing a huge disservice to my students if I allowed them to try and argue that "2 + 2= 5". If your premise is based on incorrect, unsupported, or unverifiable information, then your conclusion is wrong—no matter how clever or well-constructed your argument is. That's one of the basic rules of debate and it would be counterproductive to allow students to violate it and not correct them on it.

On one hand I get where you're coming from. On the other hand the earth is obviously not flat, there is no reasonable argument for why it would be that holds up against any of the "accepted knowledge" pointing to the contrary, and having a week long argument about it because one delusional person can't figure his shit out sounds like the most annoying thing you could possibly have to deal with in a classroom setting.

SpaceToast 25

I assure you the "creationist", as you call him, did not win. The subject of debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham was whether the Christian version of creationism should be included in American education; something that obviously did not pass (as creationism is not taught as fact in public schools.) Your entire argument is based upon your own assumption that Bill Ham "won" the debate. I assume you believe this because the audience, Ham's supporters, agreed with him. Which sort of makes you a hypocrite for not fact checking.

onceuponatime456 16

I pray everyday that the artificial sunlight hovering above Cape Horn, Chili remains lit during the "summer" solstice to continue to ward off the undead beyond the wall of ice. Residents have sacrificed much for their way of life that close to the Wall - like forego presents during Christmas because Santa doesn't deliver in the daylight and because he fears that the Night King's immaculate aim that might strike down Blitzen (or is it Blixen) and be resurrected to bring down the wall once and for all. It is a cruel reality for these fine folks that don't know that the dominant global powers have been lying for generations while lining their pockets instead of uniting to fight the common enemy or at least leading them centrally.

It’s Blitzen (lightning) and Donner should be Dunder (thunder.)

If you look up flat earth theory, which I did after reading this, you'll find out some amazing stuff that people actually believe including some celebrities. Apparently the North Pole is the center of the Earth with Antarctica circles the perimeter of the known world as a wall of ice that holds the sea in place from the unknown lands beyond. Seasons are due to a movement of the circling sun inward and outward from the North Pole. People that circumnavigate the globe are just making a circle, and space is a hoax/scam. A few of these seem to relate to Game of Thrones, which is a large part of my joke above. My first argument against the theory that was meticulously defended on the site I visited, was that the theory could explain the 24 hours of daylight at the North Pole, but not the South Pole. When I pretended to forget the reindeer's fluctuating name, it is a tribute to the show in which many viewers forget the name of the dragon that died, was resurrected, and used to bring down a wall of ice that kept an undead horde out of the known world for thousands of years. I'm pretty sure after reading up on this theory, that George R. R. Martin's series is just trying to make a more believable version of this crazy theory.

your play on Game of Thrones was brilliant...Bravo

The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe. Wait...

Tell him to keep walking until he falls off the the edge of the earth

you don't fall off because it's a Möbius strip duh

EnvyMe33 26

Telling someone that believes the earth is flat and telling them to walk to the edge to fall off might not work if they believe in gravity.

Lobby_Bee 17

Perfect, he just gave you the perfect proof of an idiot. All you got to do is present it.