By thoughtcrimeno1 - 06/07/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I helped an elderly lady unscrew the cooling tank's cap from her smoking car. My reward? A scalding shower of toxic, pungent antifreeze that erupted moments after removing said cap. She didn't even thank me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 856
You deserved it 18 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dumb... just dumb. isn't that the first think we are taught about a car's engine? don't touch the radiator cap when it is hot, or if the car is smoking. YDI

VinegarStrokes 0

Dude you TOTALLY deserved it!!! You're not supposed to unscrew the cap to a radiator right after it has over-heated for that exact reason. It also states it on the cap itself or right next to the cap directly on top of the radiator for idiots like you. If you can't read because you're illiterate then refer to the common knowledge that liquid evaporates when heated up and the steam that is created in the process then pressurizes because it's trapped in a container and is violently released when that container is opened. If you don't know about cars over-heating, can't read, and don't have common knowledge then you shouldn't be ******* around in such a harmful situation regardless of your intentions. So once again-you TOTALLY deserved it. Deuche bag.


VinegarStrokes 0

Dude you TOTALLY deserved it!!! You're not supposed to unscrew the cap to a radiator right after it has over-heated for that exact reason. It also states it on the cap itself or right next to the cap directly on top of the radiator for idiots like you. If you can't read because you're illiterate then refer to the common knowledge that liquid evaporates when heated up and the steam that is created in the process then pressurizes because it's trapped in a container and is violently released when that container is opened. If you don't know about cars over-heating, can't read, and don't have common knowledge then you shouldn't be ******* around in such a harmful situation regardless of your intentions. So once again-you TOTALLY deserved it. Deuche bag.

Feel the rad hose. If you can't squeeze it, don't touch the rad cap.

KingGeorgeGal 12

27: I understand he deserves it but how does that make him a douchue bag for trying to help?? & Op smackAbitch(;

Wow 2 people who can't spell 'douche'.. Isn't it normally he American way to drop the 'u' out of words not add extra ones?

thats like the single thing youre not supposed to do.

27- glad to know theres some people out there who aren't complete dumb *****, also you can take a shirt off and wrap it around the cap and barely crack it letting out steam and very little fluid onto the shirt and not you.

27, the problem is, if the OP's illiterate then your warning/teaching would be in vain and would probably be repeated again some other time thinking "maybe this time will be different o.o" but its good warning for people who knows jack shiz about how to handle car problems (like me).

I could have a go at you for unscrewing the cap on a hot engine. But I won't, even though it was a stupid idea. I say FYL, because at least you were trying to be helpful.

fthku 13

27, you were right about everything car-related, but why the hell did you call him a douche bag? Why the **** has this lately become a swear word that fits everything? "Look, that guy tripped, what a douchebag" "Haha, that guy entered the wrong password, what a douchebag" How does that even make sense? Also, I don't think FMLs where the OP is at FAULT should automatically be a YDI. Because he knows nothing about cars, he deserves getting burned? uh, yeah, great logic.

104. - in case the OP lacked knowledge your average 8 year olds have he should have read the clear warning on the cap. instead he was so wraped up in trying to be a hero, he possibly damaged the car more THEN has the audacity to expect a thank you when he should be apologizing? I think 27 was being mild with the name calling

fthku 13

Trying to help an old lady is "trying to be a hero"? He was trying to help, and ****** up- that happens, we're all human. No need to be such a snob about it.

27 is totally right, and my guess is that the old lady asked for help in the hopes of finding someone dumb enough to remove the cap while the engine is still hot. she probably got a good laugh out of it

guitgod1 11

TRYING to help is one thing but if you are ignorant enough not to know that unscrewing the radiator cap on a hot engine is a horrible idea then what exactly were you planning to do to help her? Op obviously knows nothing about cars and can't read warning labels so I'm guessing he should probably just leave it alone.

tjv3 10

you didn't heed the warning labels that said do not remove when hot???

WallyTheWombat 0

He's a douche because he's messing around with something he obviously knows nothing about. Would you try to remove a tumor from someone's chest without any medical knowledge? It doesn't matter if he's trying to help. When you're dealing with cars, especially when it's not yours, know what you're doing or you can hurt yourself or someone else.

That's a much more wordy version of what I was gonna say: you mean the cap that very clearly reads: EXTREME CAUTION: DO NOT REMOVE WHILE ENGINE IS HOT?

cfl383 0

bro your dumb....... one the cooling system is pressurized.... two if the cooling system keeps the engine cool and is at about 150 + running temp.... not to mention its even hotter if its over heating.... if you dont know what your doin dont be an idiot and pretend.... cuz you will get hurt

That's so shit of her to not even thank you. At least you did something nice for someone, even if they didn't thank you

OP didn't really help. All he/she really did was make a mess.

dumb... just dumb. isn't that the first think we are taught about a car's engine? don't touch the radiator cap when it is hot, or if the car is smoking. YDI

I thought the same thing. op deserves it. never open a radiator cap when it is hot.

I don't drive, don't have a licence and know nothing about cars.. Even I know better, I assume it would be like opening a steam cleaner while it's on.. Stupid OP!

Vash_41288 10

yea that is always a don't. for future reference before touching the cap check the hose that is connected to it , if it's hot wait, if it's stiff(non sexual ) then there is pressure so also wait till there is neither to unscrew cap.

hey igmos - he didn't say radiator cap.. he said cooling tank cap.. big difference.

ma'am, where is said cooling tank then? :/

the radiator IS the coolant tank! /facepalm

Stiggy626 25

cooking tank could be considered the radiator, but "coolant tank" would be your coolant reservoir tank, not the radiator *facepalm*

aren't nerds supposed to be smart? nice one igmo.

now you need to write up a fml for failing just now because the are the same thing

I learned if the hoods smoking, you shouldn't even open the hood in the first place...

Most (if not all) radiator caps have a disclaimer ON THE CAP that says not to open it if its hot because of that reason.

@rooneyroo: yep, facepalm is right. The radiator isn't the coolant tank... The radiator is the RADIATOR. You do realize that the antifreeze doesn't just sit in the radiator, right? there's this thing under the hood called the coolant reservoir where the majority of the antifreeze sits when the engine isn't hot, and can be just as dangerous to open with a hour engine as the radiator itself.

3mikey1 9

yes it is... my dad mentioned that to me when I was like 11

42 you' obviously know nothing about cars so unless you're giving me some keep your mouth shut.

fluids can go in the radiator instead of their own tank. it depends on the car. what you do is pop the hood once it stops smoking (protecting yourself with a towel) and give the cap a quarter screw so it can release steam and pressure. once it cools down fully you remove the cap. then you wait for it to cool before adding any fluids or you could crack the radiator.

That's the number one rule! You NEVER remove ANYTHING from a smoking car! Come on now! I'm a girl and even I knew that...

JackDaniels10 0

it's common sense really but yes I'm also a girl and new that, my 10 year old cousin does too..sorry OP but YDI for not using your common sense..

I find that offending. I'm a girl am know tons of stuff about cars. just because your a lady doesn't mean you stand completely oblivious to cars and the things you go about doing to upkeep them.

wooiekid 0

actually there is something you should remove from a smoking car... yourself!

Sounds like this car overheating thing happens on a daily basis, that even your cousin knows what to do in car sotuations.

victimization 0

#63. 90% of the female population doesn't know anything about cars. just because you are a rare percent doesn't mean you should get your panties in a wad because she said that. Im part of that 30% of males that don't know anything about cars. I just drive em :D

JackDaniels10 0

#85 it dosent happen often, most of my family are car fanatics and they just wan him to know what to do in an emergency situation not that he would be any were near the smoking car obviously but he knows for when he's older and dosent end up with burns all over his face and toxic crap all over's a good thing for anyone to know..just because he knows it's dumb dosent mean it happens often..think before u comment there's alot of other ways to learn these things then in an emergency situation..

iChel413 6

That was nice. I'm sure she appreciated it! A thanks would have been nice though. Who knows, she could have been having an awful day.

Well, if my car broke or overheated, I'd be having a pretty bad day too.

Karma is fake, I don't know why so many people believe in it.. :

Even if she didn't thank you, you did something nice and karma will be on your side (:

That was just poor decision making OP. Don't **** with things that you aren't 100% sure about.