By edhalen - 23/04/2009 07:47 - United States

Today, I pulled over to help a girl with her car. I thought my limited mechanic skills would help look like a hero. She only needed her coolant cap unscrewed. With top down, shirt off, I was confident as I got out of my car. 10 minutes later I left because I couldn't unscrew the f***ing thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 970
You deserved it 64 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You took your shirt off to help a girl with her car? Or was it already off? Why? Oh you were riding in your convertible. Still....why?


Hmm... Only person with helpful advice. Don't see y their mad about this comment.

oreily12 23

I'm not thinking that it was supposed to come off. Try the fill tank next time

Unless it has the safety feature some caps do and won't open while it is hot.

Chaith 16

That's so deflating. Oh well, male ego!

You took your shirt off to help a girl with her car? Or was it already off? Why? Oh you were riding in your convertible. Still....why?

That's what you get for being a try-hard ******** *rolls eyes*

kelseysue92 0

I guess you're just SCREWED .... hehe

Ridley_fml 0

good job being a tool and failing

No lad, a tool would have been able to unscrew the cap. This man is just a bloomin wanker

chanceuse_fml 0

omg #1!!! You're first! No one cares. And I agree with #9, at least you tried.