By abrazama - 02/10/2009 14:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I went down to my accommodation office in fiery wrath, demanding that something be done about my three-days-cold shower. Looking dubious, they sent someone back with me. As soon as we got there he looked at me with deep pity and pulled the cord in the corner that activated the hot water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 794
You deserved it 37 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If FML has taught me anything, it's that when you overreact to things, you end up looking like a fool when they show you how stupid you are

A cord.. that activates.. hot water? I have to admit, I can't even picture that.


If FML has taught me anything, it's that when you overreact to things, you end up looking like a fool when they show you how stupid you are

Reyo 2

You act just like my father. Whenever something stupid starts, he just picks up the phone and starts yelling. What ends up happening is the guy proves him to be an idiot and WE'RE left with an embarrased grouch who starts yelling when we ask him where to put his clean laundry. And one thing I've learned about working in costumer service is that you NEVER EVER yell at the guy who a) works behind the counter and b) tells you what you can/cannot do. There is ALWAYS somebody above him telling him how to act, whether he agrees with it or not.

spermonyourface 0

probably to make sure it wasnt just something weird going on

A cord.. that activates.. hot water? I have to admit, I can't even picture that.

It's actually pretty cutting edge. It saves energy and money.

Mercy! Let's run through sprinklers naked.

They are somewhat common in Europe I believe. I remember a few places I stayed in France and England in 1995 having cords you pulled to activate the water so it wasn't just running constantly.

Honestly, I would of never thought that a cord could activate hot water. But i guess it does.

Angry hot water shower issues are often like skydiving, everything will be alright... just pull the cord!

Maybe you should have heated the water yourself with your "fiery wrath".

birds_fml 7

I clicked FYL cause I have never heard of such a thing as a CORD that activates hot water.

azhein 0

or he's saying that he would of complained and looked like a fool. even if he didn't do it with fiery wrath

Although you probably should have addressed the problem sooner and definitely shouldn't have gotten so angry, FYL for having to pull a cord to get hot water. Unless that's standard procedure in Manchester, the hotel (or whatever your accommodations are) should have provided instructions.

lumi_fml 0

I believe FYL because I've never heard of such a cord. I can see some of the posters above me haven't either, so that makes me feel better. Enjoy the new hot water :P

You want some heat? Here's my finger. Pull it.

Ok, I'll pull it. WHOOPS, that wasn't a finger... ;)

That's the one I use to count to 11.

Or ten and a half. Twenty and a half, counting toes.

hey, who told you about the accident at my circumcision?

Well, it managed to make at least one baby! Not fun to look at, but surprisingly effective.

See, there's the problem. Only ONE so far. But the members of "Plexico, have my babies" will soon fix that. ;)

I'm thrilled to hear that! My child's always wanted brothers and sisters, but I haven't told her about the club. ;)

Yeah, you might want to wait until she's a little older to explain that one to her. your daughter: "Daddy, why didn't you and mommy tell me about my brothers and sisters?" you: "Err....Mommy doesn't know? There's a secret club." daughter: "Secret club? Can mommy and I be in it?" you: "Uh, no. Please don't tell your mother" daughter: "Mommyyyy!!!!!! I've got brothers and sisters!"

My daughter might be so happy to have brothers and sisters that she'd accept the title of Princess of the club. Don't worry, Toxi and Pixie, it's just a formal title, it would not affect the dictatorial and vice-dictatorial powers that you wield.

feari_princess 0