By spaaaarta - 25/07/2016 20:17

Today, I was washing my car, and I decided to be kind and to wash my elderly neighbor's car. As it turns out, her sunroof was open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 699
You deserved it 12 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're one of those people who poops without checking for toilet paper first aren't you?

So, is spontaneously washing other people's cars a thing now?


You're one of those people who poops without checking for toilet paper first aren't you?

notabanana 8

It sounds more like OP poops without checking the toilet lid.

Or pours a bowl of cereal without checking to see if they had milk.

I did this when I was about 7. I poured the last of my Cinnamon Toast Crunch and discovered no milk. I poured water instead because I really wanted some cereal. It tasted awful and I ended up throwing it away. Only for my dad to bring some milk an hour later :( lesson learned to always check for milk first lol

PePziNL 20

Cereal with... water? What's next, dipping your cookies in lemonade?

MetalxSoldier 26

At least you tried. Maybe you can dry out and clean the inside as well to make it up to your neighbor.

So, is spontaneously washing other people's cars a thing now?

Wish someone would wash mine, honestly. I have no time to do it.

Lizza330 28

That's why you always ask first.

Or at the very least look for a sunroof. I mean, it shouldn't be that hard to see unless you're a midget, right?

Yeah, it's common sense not to mess with other people's stuff without asking, even if you are doing something good.

chrisbeaudoin 26

If op is close with them and have a good relationship then they probably wouldn't need to ask.

This is why one always looks before you leap. I hope your neighbour focuses on your effort to do a good deed rather than what was done.

How did you manage to not notice that it was open.

Did you charge for the "interior detailing"?

nesteremily 31

The lesson here: Check sun roofs before washing cars.