By badmom - 10/06/2009 18:09 - Canada

Today, I heard my daughter scream at my son through the bathroom door, "Are you jacking off in there or something?" and him scream back at her "Shut up you fucking cunt!" My daughter is 7 and my son is 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 134 947
You deserved it 80 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wow. I blame public schools? Harrr. :B

What sort of vulgar environment are you raising your kids in? Or is it simply the way our schooling system has come to nowadays... FYL & YDI.


#195 you must be a terrible parent if you were serious. you arent fit for a ******* broom let alone a kid. hahahaha your kids are funny! fyl & ydi

Reflection of you as a parent, in my opinion. YDI

kimstarrr 0

maybe you should get off of the internet and take disciplinary action on your children. just a suggestion. -.-

purupuru 1

I think it's outragerous that kids that age are even using language like that. It was funny at first, then I took note of their ages. No matter where they learned it, it's a ydi if you haven't or don't take care of that behavior immediately.

Dude... You should really teach them a lesson. Clean their mouths with soap and take away their TV channels for 8 months. That should whip them into line.

thats ****** up.....maybe you are to blame

WOW! I hope you pulled both of them out and spanked the pants off the them! It barely matters whose fault it is they SAID it, it is YOUR fault if they say it again!