What do you take me for?

By emopancake - 28/08/2022 14:00

Today, I came out to my mormon mother as a pan enby, and told her I wanted to change my name. She asked how I came to this conclusion, so I told her how I’ve been secretly doing research on the topic. She says she supports me, but claims I broke her trust by lying for so long to avoid possible homophobia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 723
You deserved it 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That went better than expected. To those that may be wondering: enby is shorthand for nonbinary. (Yes, I bit the bullet and looked it up).

I've never heard of "pan enby" and I'm not going to look it up. Does that mean you like to diddle raccoons, or something like that? Ick. Please don't answer -- I'll stay ignorant on this matter.


I've never heard of "pan enby" and I'm not going to look it up. Does that mean you like to diddle raccoons, or something like that? Ick. Please don't answer -- I'll stay ignorant on this matter.

That went better than expected. To those that may be wondering: enby is shorthand for nonbinary. (Yes, I bit the bullet and looked it up).

Good work! I was going down a New Balance rabbit hole. The ASICS trolls are getting pretty nasty!

if you had to research it, chances are you're not it. you either feel it by nature or you don't. you don't just decide you are, no matter what it looks like on TikTok

Marcella1016 31

Probably just researched how they felt inside trying to figure themselves out and found a term for it. They weren’t googling “What cool weird groups can I be a part of” lol

Honestly, her response leads me to believe that you were right to be hesitant to open up to her. Her "broken trust" line is probably a cover for her ****/transphobia [Even if she's not frothing at the mouth, spewing hatred, there could still be some level of it there. She's just got enough sense to "know" that it's impolite to express it (unless she's absolutely certain that the people she's expressing it to share her beliefs 100%)]. And even if that's not the case, the proper response to someone saying they didn't open up to you sooner because they weren't sure they could trust you to be supportive isn't "I dislike you for lying to me for as long as you did", it should be something more akin to "I'm so sorry that what I've said and done previously made it seem like you couldn't trust me to be supportive. What can I do differently to make you feel more comfortable going forward?" As the kids say, her deflection there is a bit sus, and I'd keep my eyes and ears open for other red flags, or possibly if she course-corrects and actually does things that are outright supportive. Here's hoping for that latter circumstance.

You're a what? I swear people are just making shit up now.