By seriouslywtf - 28/04/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my daughter walked in on me taking a shower. She said, "Hey, yours is the same size as Dylan's!" My daughter has seen Dylan's penis, which apparently is the same size as mine. My daughter and Dylan are 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 403
You deserved it 9 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know what's worse; the fact that your penis is the same size as a seven year old's or that your daughter already saw a boy's penis at the age of seven, all i know is FYL

That sucks, but maybe this boy has a really huge one and it's not so bad? And first, wow


That sucks, but maybe this boy has a really huge one and it's not so bad? And first, wow

maybe the op was eating a banana in the shower and so was dylan jeeze

theice 0

f your life for having a small dick an ydi for not locking your bathroom door when you have a 7 year old that looks at dicks. pedofile

alien491 0

yeah right a 7 year old would have a fully developet penis.

andycakes 0

he's not a pedophile if it was an accident

hey hey Dylan had a boner dw ( I'm a liar)

Vociferouslife 4

This is wrong on so many levels. First thing's first: maybe you shouldnt let your daughter get too used to seeing those..

Doesn't mean he's a pedo you idiot, his kids are seven and they can change clothes together if they share a room, and she would think of it as bad either. She also barged in and it wasn't his fault she saw

I don't know what's worse; the fact that your penis is the same size as a seven year old's or that your daughter already saw a boy's penis at the age of seven, all i know is FYL

kindofgocrazy 0

You show me yours, I'll show you mine.

cherrypieguy 0
slushpup9696 12

seriously?!?? what's the other dialougue?

moody (crouch jr.) and snap are talking about their dark marks I think. or moody shows his dark Mark and Harry shows the cut on his arm. but it's right at the end of the film I think. I know, I'm sad XD

I'm going to the last one as hargred

... maybe she saw the kid's penis while erected and yours soft, and therefore they are the same size? Still, kinda spooky to think that she saw a kid's penis. Erect.

jhumphr 0

are you high? a 7 year old cantget a boner

Yes they can. Boys can get random erections from birth.

shibainu519 0

@ 178 and 179, guys can get boners even before they're born!

And agree with #2 also, that's really disturbing too. You should probably worry about that more than about your own penis size

#3, a 7 year old erect penis? I don't wanna know what you all did at that age, but i'm assuming all other 7 year olds don't do em. FYL for having a micro-penis, and i dont think there is much to worry about with your 7 year old seeing other 7 year old's genitals. When i was that age we had gym at school and you changed together and showered together.. you don't have sexual urges at that age so whats the problem.

junkinmahcranium 0

What the hell kind of school did #5 go to? That's disgusting. Kids shouldn't even be exposed to that kind of stuff. Plus, I'm sure the kids weren't comfortable doing that. Just .. ew.

junkinmahcranium 0

What the hell kind of school did #5 go to? That's disgusting. Kids shouldn't even be exposed to that kind of stuff. Plus, I'm sure the kids weren't comfortable doing that. Just .. ew.

you can't help it. you get random erections at all ages

JordynBMTH 0

I love how you say that when your dp is a picture of a kid drinking from a wine bottle..

Girls and Boys changed in the same room, in elementary school? WTF?!?!?!?!?

at my primary/elementary school all the kids got changed into their p.e kit in the same room

#6 ah ha ha! But seriously that's a FYL on many many levels!

Rellikiox 0
SmoothTalker 0

lol ditto #7...oh wow is this ****** up on so many levels...