By superman_not - 10/06/2009 15:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to play the role of Superman in a production on stage. They had to stuff my underwear because my 'thing' wasn't big enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 865
You deserved it 7 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didnt realize people look at superman's thing. The heck kinda play you in lol?

How do they know what the size of Superman's schlong is? Perverts....


Don't worry about it! No one can match dick size to the MAN OF STEEL! I mean, geez... He's not called Superman for nothing!

Vinya_777 0

oh my.. i'm so sorry. did that scar ur manhood?

I didnt realize people look at superman's thing. The heck kinda play you in lol?

baydestrian_girl 0

Dayuummm that truly sucks! FYL hands down LOL

smiley_girl 0

aw that sucks sorry I didn't think it'd really matter, I meen when I see a play I don't sit their thinking they shouldve stuffed the lead guys underwear.

SpeechQween94 14

Please learn how to spell. It's mean and there.

says the one whos name is speechQWEEN. stfu.

I would also think when you go to see a play you would not be staring at some dude's package.

The only way this could be funnier is if it was a school play :D

How do they know what the size of Superman's schlong is? Perverts....