By superman_not - 10/06/2009 15:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to play the role of Superman in a production on stage. They had to stuff my underwear because my 'thing' wasn't big enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 860
You deserved it 7 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didnt realize people look at superman's thing. The heck kinda play you in lol?

How do they know what the size of Superman's schlong is? Perverts....


seancliffy 0

hey its allright, no one can live up to superman!

dis_ooglie_nena 0 dats really nt sayin much for u!!..lmao...j/ DEFINITELY...fyl!

Another reason why I don't act. You always end up embarassing yourself...

kingbeau 0

Um... so? If you look at, you'll notice that the later actors have their crotches stuffed too... For some reason, over time, someone decided that superman needed a super package (the old ones don't have it)... So its not that your package is too small, its just the way the costume is, you stuff the crotch just like you should have stuffed all the muscles.. Whining about it is like whining that you don't have heat vision, which is pretty much just ridiculous. Also, the fact that the first conclusion you jumped to is that they stuffed your crotch because you have a tiny package suggests that you actually do have a tiny package.... well done....

well superman is a super - man. so he needs a super penis.

MsMegaroo 0 my opinion you should hav realized beforehand that your package is not large enough so that you could stuff it yourself. It would have improved evryones impression of you...hence boosting your confidence Also would have saved you the embarrassment!!!!!

don't worry about it, comic book packages are always over-exxagerated lol