
By bloody good time - 23/11/2019 05:00

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend, and he slid his hand up near my face too fast and ended up clocking me in the nose. It is the first time that I have ever had nosebleed while orgasming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 188
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24


Mathalamus 24

Whoo-Hooo! Ouch! Whoo-Hooo! Ouch! Whoo-Hooo! Ouch! Whoo-Hooo! Ouch! Whoo-Hooo! Ouch!

E2dav 5

Hope you're ok...and at least you got to finish

I'm sure there is a name for that on urban dictionary