By CierraJordan - 14/03/2012 11:31 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my friend that the world did not used to be black and white. It was just the pictures that were. She still doesn't believe me. She's eighteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 161
You deserved it 2 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MizzErikaHart 8

It's always been hard for me to imagine the past being in color because of black n white pics

Redoxx_fml 22

There used to be no sound in the world either


Fail.. She seems completely useless as a human being. FYL

DiscoDave 5
DoubletheDuck 7

Why do people even comment on these..

yumyumpoptart 16

is she blonde by any chance?!?!

Just be grateful you can explain that to her with words, just think how hard it would have been to explain that 40 yrs ago, when there was no sound

FMLsOhilarious 6

Um yeah thats not true its a joke in a comic and you just thought it would make a good fml.....unless you just hang out with extremely unintelligent adults that are dangerously stupid...