By Nate - 06/03/2009 03:25 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in class. Afterwards, the professor asked us what we thought. I raised my hand and said it was pretentious, dull and a really poor example of filmmaking. It was the movie HE spent five years writing and directing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 561
You deserved it 52 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yikesO_O 0

Hey, you spoke the truth. People can't be babied all their lives anyways.

Exactly. If the professor is opening the movie to critique, he better suck it up and deal with it.


yikesO_O 0

Hey, you spoke the truth. People can't be babied all their lives anyways.

I wonder how many marks you lost but, true he DID ask...

wow I'm surprised there aren't more mediawhores replying to the first comment

FAKE no1 watches or pays attention to the movie in class

I am a mediawhore who is replying to to the first comment! On a more serious note he did ask for opinions. If he asks for an opinion he's going to get some, whether they're good or bad.

Exactly. If the professor is opening the movie to critique, he better suck it up and deal with it.

acrho 0

I agree, he asked your opinion and you gave it. At least you gave an honest opinion.

He asked, he can't be mad for honesty.

I really hope you explained your point of view, and had some good reasons to tell that. Because even if the movie was "pretentious, dull, and a really poor example of filmmaking", your teacher is sooo not going to forgive you. Diplomacy FTW. o/

jackaaa 0

You were honest. Good for you.

yb4fml 0

Haha same thing happened to my friend yesterday!


All above (#1 through 5) are right, but unfortunately teachers are not generally renowned for their open-mindedness. Be prepared to suffer till the end of the year... Oh, FYL by the way.