By Pokecousin - 27/12/2016 17:45

Today, I had to explain to my Pokemon-obsessed 6-year-old cousin that Albinos are not "Shiny People". FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 695
You deserved it 546

Same thing different taste

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He's not entirely wrong. "Shiny" Pokémon are individuals of their species with unusual pigmentation- likely due to what would be genetics if Pokémon existed in the human world. Albinos are humans who lack or produce very little pigmentation meaning they look like they have unusual pigmentation, due to genetics. Both are uncommon. If anything, him being able to make that connections shows some above average ability for connecting information together.


CrassKal 27

I find this equal parts adorable and hilarious.

species4872 19

No, they just glow in the dark.

It can be hard to explain those things to a small child. Kudos for trying, though. If the lesson doesn't take, just try to laugh it off. Most people won't get too terribly pissed at a little kid for making those kinds of comments; adults generally get that little kids have no filter. And once the lil Pokemon trainer gets old enough, they'll realize the truth on their own.

bsshooter 14

they just have bad *I.V.* stats in defence and s.def is all

Come back in about 10 years. If your cousin still thinks albinos are Shiny People then it's an fml.

They are not shiny people but a super rare type.

He's not entirely wrong. "Shiny" Pokémon are individuals of their species with unusual pigmentation- likely due to what would be genetics if Pokémon existed in the human world. Albinos are humans who lack or produce very little pigmentation meaning they look like they have unusual pigmentation, due to genetics. Both are uncommon. If anything, him being able to make that connections shows some above average ability for connecting information together.

Thank you for relating the two. I didn't understand what liking Pokemon had to do with it.

I think me and your kid would get along very well. I had the same thought when I was 6.

This is absolutely hilarious, I don't see how it's an FML, honestly xD